i'm gonna fix this (nwh spoilers)

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"you're gonna forget who i am"

your stomach flipped & clenched. your throat went dry & you could feel your lungs begin to hyperventilate in worry & fear. you were all peter had left; uncle ben, aunt may, his mom & dad, tony stark... peter has lost too many people in his life only being 17 years old. you couldn't let him keep sacrificing himself for others— you just couldn't.

"n-no, what? w-what are you saying?" you stuttered quick. "i-i don't wanna forget you peter, this can't be the only way"

you tried not to cry, but you couldn't help it. so much has happened in the last couple days & you wanted everything to be over. you wanted to go back to peters apartment & help him go through whatever he needs to in regards to may. you wanted to go to MIT with him & ned, you wanted to live together. you wanted to ho skating with him at christmas at the rockefeller centre & kiss him with passion on new years.

you wanted to graduate with him & watch him walk to the podium & get his diploma. you wanted to swing the city with him despite hating heights. you wanted to be with him. you didn't want to have to lose him. but all you could do in that moment is hold his hands & pull him closer to you.

knowing that you only had a small amount of time left together.

peter knew everything you were thinking because you knew he wanted the same. you knew.

"this is the only way to fix things. i promised may i'd fix the mess i made. i have to do this, not just for you... i need to do this for everyone" peter told you, wiping a tear falling down your cheek & leaving his hand there, taking your beauty in.

"but we always come up with so many plans— we can make another one, i know we can. please peter... we can fix this, not just you" you tried pleading with him, feeling your mind scramble to come up with something, just anything... but nothing came.

"i promise you, i'm gonna find you after this. i'm gonna find you & i'm gonna make you remember me. i'm gonna explain everything to you, i'm not leaving your life for good y/n. i promise, i always keep my promises" he told you firmly, trying to give you a smile even though he was in so much pain, you tried returning one.

"you better," you said with a sad chuckle, "you better find me because if you don't, i'm gonna get strange to kick you into the mirror dimension again" you joked, laughing lightly with peter, looking deep into his tired brown eyes.

"peter..." your bottom lip trembling as you spoke.

nodding his head understandingly, peter pulled you into a hug & you both comforted eachother, each of you letting. a bit of your emotions out. you wondered if you held him too tight, you weren't sure. you needed to memorize his touch, his tenderness, his warmth, the smell do his cologne despite the blood, dirt & sweat. you needed to remember this.

"i love you, i love you so much. i don't want you to forget that" you cried to him, pulling away to look him in the eye to see peter crack the most adorable, sad & loving smile you've ever seen.

"i love you more than you can imagine. i love you, i love you, i love you..." he responded, the last three 'i love you's' growing quieter & quieter as he tried to keep his composer.

"remind me you do when you see me again... please" you told him, gaining a nod from him.

"i always will" he said before closing the space between you, kissing you as his life depended on it, not caring about needing oxygen after 10 seconds.

you both felt immense pain, love & passion in that moment & you prayed hoping you wouldn't forget this. you didn't want to forget anything.

"goodbye my love, be careful... for me" he said, kissing your forehead before kissing you one last time, loosening his grip on you & moving away.

your hands gripped your heart as you watched him swing away from you & you felt your knees buckle beneath you. you were so proud of him— he was choosing to help the greater good & humanity. but at what cost?

you lost the love of your life to the multiverse.

here's my rendition for one of the final scenes in no way home :(

tom holland ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now