important message

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hi everyone! i hope you all are doing well.

i just wanted to announce that i am moving my writing to tumblr!

as much as i love wattpad & all it's given me in the last while, i want to try something new & expand my writing to platform that's more my age (since i'm in my late teens).

all the things i've written on wattpad will stay uploaded, i don't have the intention of taking them down or deleted my account, so no worries there!

but, i really would like for you to check out my tumblr account for things i've written here & new things i'll write on there!

my tumblr is @murd0cksl0ver

than you all again for the kindness & support on this book, as well as my other projects.

stay safe & spread love

- april & evora

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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