Chapter 105

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A/n: Okay, so I love gore and stuff, so nothing in this chapter is disturbing for me to read or think about or anything, but I know some people are sensitive to detailed death, so here are the triggers!


•Death (detailed)

• Kidnapping

• baby being pulled out of a stomach (detailed)

•Dead body being shoved back inside of another body



Just skip to the next bold text you see if you don't like reading things like that! ^v^

"Ughhh" The woman groaned, slamming the door to her car. 'Just a few more days." She told herself, then the child would be out of her, and she'd be able to walk again without waddling around.

Technically, she shouldn't be driving-especially this late at night, but something felt wrong. It hurt like hell, and she knew that it was probably Braxton hicks contractions-but what if it wasn't?

Turns out-it was just that. She apologized to the doctors, but they told her that it was fine. Better to be safe than sorry.

She walked to the parking lot, making her way to her car, and grabbing her keys, unlocking it.

From behind, a bag was quickly placed over her head, as the keys were taken from her. She was shoved into the car, and was screaming her head off as the person in the driver's seat sped away.

Ten minutes later, her bag was being removed, and she was being thrown out of the car, a strong grip on her wrist as the bag was taken off of her head.

"Who are you?!" She screamed frantically.

"Who are you?" A gruff voice said in return.

"Camilla" the woman said, full of fear.

"Andrew" the man smirked.

Her eyes grew wide, as she whispered, "oh my god.."

Andrew had himself a pretty big name by now. Everyone knew who he was.

Suddenly, a girl's voice followed behind, "oh my god, fake ID's, remember?!"

That must been his partner in crime, Raegan.

"Oh, she's about to die, whose she going to tell?" He asked.

She began to try and thrash out of his grip, punching his arm. Hell no was she dying now.

He smacked her in the face, and she fell to the ground.

"Dagger" Andrew smirked.

"No!" The woman's high-pitched screams rang throughout the woods as the dagger dragged across her stomach, ripping her clothes as it went along.

She screamed in complete anguish throughout the process. The excruciating pain rang throughout her entire stomach as blood pooled around her.

She could feel the knife stab theough her guts, as Andrew peeled back huge chunks of skin. She felt dizzy-light headed.

He plunged his hand into he stomach, feeling around. He cut pasty every organ he found, tossing it aside as he searched for the child.

Having been just weeks away from the birthdate, Andrew held a practically almost fully developed child in his hands. The child was weak, and frail.

He put his thick, meaty hands around the child's skull.

"No, no, NO!! STOP IT!" The woman screamed, kicking Andrew. The woman was doomed to die. Her body was bound to shut down soon. The guts in her body were practically detached and disarranged.

She was coughing up blood, and it was spilling from her mouth quickly.

"It's a boy" Andrew smirked, his hands wrapped around the screaming child's skull.

He squeezed until the fragile skull shattered.

The mother screamed in misery, the pain was too great to bear.

Blood spewed everywhere, as Andrew began to mutilate the child's body.

Long, deep cuts running from the chest to the foot. Tiny thumbprint bruises running all down the kid's back.

To top it off, he carved a heart shape around the child's chest, the jagged letters, 'A.C' In the middle of the heart. It was Andrew's initials.

"Happy birthday" he told the child, shoving the kid's body deep behind his mother's guts, till he was practically underneath them.

The child was forced to die, suffocating and drowning in his own mother's blood.

The entire time, screaming and crying was happening as Raegan kept cutting small cuts all over the mother's body each time she screamed.

Soon enough, her organs-her whole body began to fail.

She died.

Andrew began to sever her arms and legs from her body, as Raegan cut off the woman's long hair, stuffing her stomach and mouth with it.

Andrew hollowed out the entirety of the arms and legs, taking the bone out and everything. He put the hollowed out skin back into the body, and stuffed the woman's mouth with the guts and bones.

This whole process took mostly the whole night.

They put her in a trash bag once they finished, and threw it in a hospital parking lot. They wanted the world to know.

"What's with the sudden pregnant-woman killing spree?" Raegan asked.

"Practicing for the real thing- for Lucia."




"Mom, i'm home!" Virgil yelled as he walked into his house. He had to go home, he couldn't stay with Katlin forever.

"Hello Virgil!" Lucia exclaimed, waving to her child, "Oh-Alex, this is Virgil-Virgil, Alex!" She introduced.

Virgil froze in his place. A human he never met before was in his house. Oh god, it was an adult too.

Lucia had told him her son was shy-clearly an understatement.

He flashed the boy a warm smile and waved slightly. The man looked like he felt kind of awkward. Virgil could relate. He sent a small, alight wave back.

He smiled the slightest bit, too.

Lucia told Virgil that she'd talk to him about it later, and Virgil nodded, heading up to his room. He heard a bit of the conversation-they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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