Chapter sixty six

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A/n: Alrighty, it's been a while.
Every time I finish writing a chapter and publishing it, I get off my phone and don't touch it again for a while because i'm always doing stuff with my siblings and don't have time.

But right now it's like three pm and everyone's still asleep so I have time.

Tw: IDK none lmaoo

Ram and Kurt drove to where the house in the woods was. Remus and Janus followed along with Patton and Logan with them, since their car was pretty big.

They planned that Lucia and Virgil would ride with them.

Ram, Kurt and Logan would stay behind to explain stuff to the police, while Virgil and Lucia were driven to the hospital.

Ram and Kurt told Remy and Emile where the place was because they were staying behind to call the police.

Remy thought that was stupid because they could call the police when they got there, or while they were driving, but Ram said that it would be easier to show the police where it was rather than tell them.

They were in the woods so there was no speed limit. They drove there as fast as they could and somehow got there within the two hour time period.

As they pulled up, Ram and Kurt ran inside.

"Roman!" Kurt yelled, looking for them, busting open ragged wooden doors, "Roman!!"

"Ram, Kurt! Here!" He yelled, "it's almost midnight, he'll be back any minute, hurry!"

Quickly, they helped up Lucia and Virgil. They walked them out of the house and put them into Remus's car. Quickly, they were driven away. No words were exchanged, only quick, heavy footsteps were heard.

"The police have been called and will be here any minute" Kurt said, breaking the silence, "Ram and I will go behind the house and park a little further into the woods so nobody notices us" Kurt explained, running out of the house with Ram.

A few minutes passed, and Andrew returned with a body.

"Roman, help me! I ran this girl over with my car, and I don't know what to do! Do I make sure she's dead? Leave her to die? Burn her to ashes and reduce those ashes to atoms and then pretend nothing happened? So many options!" He said excitedly.

His rant was interrupted by sirens and officers screaming through megaphones for him to get out of the house.

Roman ran out and yelled for the officers, who came inside. He pointed to the girl who got ran over, was bleeding, and unconscious and told them to take her to a hospital.

The police officers were quick to cuff Andrew and take him away.

As this happened, officers stayed behind to question Ram, Kurt, and Roman about the case. He gave Ram and Kurt a look, and seemed to convey his thoughts to them, "Please don't tell them what I did."


"Lucia-Lucia don't cry we're almost at the hospital, it will be okay-" Patton began.

She cut him off with a sob, "but what if it's not?! What if my children are seriously hurt and there's nothing that we-or any doctor can do to help??"

"Mom, don't worry about me, you should be worrying about yourself!" Virgil told her sadly.

"I'm your mother, it's my job to worry about you!" She told him.

"I know mom, but you're really hurt and at this rate, who knows if the kid inside of you is okay, or even alive? And if by some miracle they are, the kid will probably come out with some disease or disorder, maybe even some trauma." Virgil explained.

Lucia sobbed harder at that, not wanting her child to have anything wrong with them.

"Some disorders caused by stress by the mother or trauma in the womb could be neurodevelopmental and physical problems, with the likes of anxiety, ADHD and lower cognitive development on one hand and diseases such as asthma. Stress could cause the child slower development, learning and attention difficulties, depressive symptoms and possibly even autism-" Logan stopped himself when he saw the pure look of shock on Lucia's face as she bit her lip and began to breathe.

Lucia wanted to be calm so her baby could be healthy. She didn't care that she was stressed or needed to cry, if she was calm her baby could be safe. She explained this to everyone in the car, and tried her hardest to stop crying and not worry about what could happen to her children.

The more she worried and stressed, the more chance of the baby having a disorder or disease that could affect their life forever.

"It's not good to repress your feelings and emotions like that" Logan told her.

"Hypocrite" Remus scoffed, shaking with anxiety of his own as they pulled up into the hospital. He wanted nothing more than to attack Virgil with a hug, but he knew better.

They rushed Lucia and Virgil in and explained the situation to the nurses quickly as possible, getting them a room.

The nurses told them that they needed to stay in the waiting room. Lucia's condition was somewhat critical, and Virgil was badly hurt as well.

Janus and Remus squeezed each other's hands, both completely and utterly tense

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