Chapter 73

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A/n: I'm out of school for today because i'm sick with strep throat and a cold and I was like, "oh, wait don't I have a story on Wattpad to write?"

Every-time I sneeze it feels like i've dislocated my jaw.

So yay new chapter! :>

I literally was talking about how I was gonna get better at posting more in the last chapter and then half a month later there's nothing, I-

Andrew glared at the floor of his prison cell. He was infuriated. He was outraged.

He was practically fuming radioactive gases from his ears.

"What did I do to deserve this?!" He screamed at nothing in particular. The only response he received was the echo of his voice that bounced off of the cold metal walls.

He got up and in a fit of rage, with all of his strength, punched said wall. He pretended it was Lucia. He pretended he was hurting her.

He barely made a dent. He was sure that he'd broken his knuckles, though.

But he didn't care. He didn't care for anything anymore.

Not that he ever did.


"Is it true that you murdered these people?" Carl asked Andrew, showing him pictures of the lives Andrew took from people.

Paul stood behind Carl, taking notes of every word said. He didn't see why questioning was necessary. Of course Andrew killed those people, he was a deranged psychopath with a long history of violence.

Not to mention all of the evidence.

He rolled his eyes indignantly at the question, "no, I invited a bunch of random strangers into my basement for a bloody mother freaking tea party" Andrew snapped, giving the cop a look filthier than the murders on his hands.

Carl frowned, "This is serious" he began to explain, "your entire life is going to go to waste in this here prison if you don't turn your attitude around right this second!"

"He'll rot away in this cell either way." Paul interrupted, growling. "The damage is done. The evidence is there. He murdered several people, abused his family, and killed several of his and other peoples unborn children without the consent of the mothers or parents!" Paul yelled in a fit of rage. He couldn't stand when people hurt children- or anybody for that matter, with no good reason to.

"He's a killer and a rapist! Wanna see Lucia's latest report about her daughter, Emily?! I bet Emily wasn't the first or last, I bet he's done that to many people" Paul spat.

"Paul, calm down and write your notes" Carl said, trying to be professional even though he completely agreed with Paul.

"Now, let's address your bleeding hand, hmm? How'd that happen?" Carl asked.


Patton ran into his house with a loud sob. He ran up the stairs, his parents sharing confused glances, which were filled with concern.

Patton payed his parents no mind as he ran up the stairs into his brother's room, and launched himself towards Emile.

"I'm a bad person!" He screeched, "I am an unholy demon who deserves to be burned at the stake!" Patton covered his face and cried loudly.

"What happened?!" Emile asked, completely shocked, hugging Patton.

He came out of nowhere.

"M-m-me and Lo-lo were hanging out and-and then we did something bad!" Patton sobbed.

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