Chapter fifty four

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A/n: Alrighty, first of all, sorry for all of the notifications you guys probably got yesterday, I unpublished this book and then I re published it, so sorry to disappoint, but they weren't actual updates

Welp, anyways, I feel like making another flashback chapter, so, poof.

Tw: mentions of beatings and being blind, being in the hosital

Virgil was lying down, unconscious on the hospital bed.

It has been like that for days.

Lying on a hospital bed.

Virgil was aware of his surroundings.

He could hear what was going on, but couldn't moove or open his eyes.

He knew he was awake, but knew, at the same time, he was asleep.

All he could do was think.

He was left alone, drifting into darkness with nothing but his unstable thoughts.

Thinking of memories.

Thinking of the past.

Thinking about how much he would've done to protect Emily if he could've.

He wished he could have saved her.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair that there were people like Andrew, making the world a terrible, ugly place, while at the same tome, there were people like Emily, making the world a better, more beautiful place.

It wasn't fair that Emily couldn't see any of the beauty she created while she was alive.

She couldn't see the flowers she planted or the earthy grass she attempted to water.

She couldn't see the faces she made smile, or the beauty of the earth which she wanted to thrive, and sadly, couldn't see the beauty of herself either.

Emily was, an adorable, beautiful little girl.

Virgil always wondered how Emily suddenly became blind.

At first, her vision was so insanely horrible because of Andrew, that everything became so blurry, everything she saw was a pure, blinding shade of white all the time.

Over time, the white faded to black as spots began to cloud her vision while Andrew did many things to worsen her vision.

Doctors didn't understand why she suddenly became blind. They said that she did have bad vision from the start while she was a baby, but plain, normal glasses could completely fix it, and over time it would get better.

It got worse.

And worse.

And worse.

Virgil started to think of a memory.

~Yay another flashback~

Virgil heard loud, ugly sobs which came from his baby sister from upstairs.

He wondered what was wrong with her.

He hurried upstairs, and finally got to the bathroom and opened the door.

He heard actual sobs of pain coming from his baby sister, who was on the shelf of a large countertop in their huge bathroom.

Andrew was on the other side of the bathroom, seeming to be putting bleach or something away, as Virgil could tell.

He looked at his sister, something seemed wrong with her eyes.

Virgil couldn't put his finger on it.

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