Chapter 112

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A/n: Dead children is the TW

As soon as Paul was sent a picture of the license plate, he ran off to get the plate number scanned. This could be the thing that confirms whether or not it's Andrew in that mansion.

When be got the number back, and was given the address that the car was linked to, all suspicions were confirmed. The mansion's address was linked to the plate number.

He immediately texted Sarah, Tiffany, and Carl, and told them to get a team of cops and investigators ready. They would need to investigate for any bodies, or evidence. He told them to Get the crime scene clean up team too. It may get a little messy.

—————-Time skip brought to you by me simping over the falcon and the winter soldier——————————

"Okay. So, they aren't home right now" Paul whispered into his walkie-talkie. "This works out. Team Jakolz, I need you guys to go inside of the house. Stay quiet. When they get home, taze, no questions asked. Team K-pop, when they taze, you handcuff and arrest. After they are in the cop car, the investigators will go investigate."

After the short re-run of the plan, everybody spring into action. It was perfect. Nothing could go wrong.


"Mom!" A five year old Virgil exclaimed one evening, "is the baby here yet?!"

Lucia chuckled. Ever since Virgil found out she was pregnant, he'd ask that every day. "No, sweetie. I'm not due for a few more months."

"You say that every day!! Are you keeping it in there on purpose?" He pouted.

"Well, first of all, I doubt your new sibling would like to be called an it. Perhaps you could say them?" She inquired.

Virgil's eyes lit up. "Them?!? There are two?!"

"What-no, that's not what them means-well, it is, but them also refers to-well, kind of like a pronoun." She explained quickly.

"Oh..okay" he said, a little disappointed.

"How you know what pronoun means, but not them does really surprises me" Lucia chuckled.

"I'm worried mommy..."  Virgil whispered.

"Why, baby? Do you think i'll stop loving you? I'll always have room in my heart for both of you" She smiled.

"No..I know you'll always love me. And I also know i'll always be your favorite" he smirked, "but i'm worried that something might happen to your tummy, and the baby will get hurt.."

"Oh, well first off, mommies don't have favorites. Well-maybe they do secretly, but that's not the point-the point is, that nothing bad will happen to the baby-as long as i'm careful" She smiled.

"Hey-I know what'll cheer you up.." she smiled, "it's a boy!" She sing-songed.

Virgil gasped, jumping up and down, clapping his hands together, "A brother!! Yes!! Remus says he hates having a brother, but I think i'll like it!"

"Well, for Remus, it's different. They're twins, so they look the same and are the same age, so there's more to fight about." Lucia explained.

"Okay mommy..I can't wait for the baby!! Can we take it out early?" He questioned.

"Sorry homey, the baby need to develop more" she chuckled, "if we take it out so early, it could die."

"I don't what it to die!" Virgil gasped, standing on his tippy toes to kiss his mommy's tummy, "i'll take good care of you when you get here. I'll give you kisses and hugs..and i'll read you bedtime stories!! I can't read very well right now, but i'll try extra hard, just for you!!"

Lucia smiled, ruffling Virgil's hair, "now don't worry, the kid'll be fine."

That was the first child she lost to Andrew.

Virgil never was able to read that bedtime story...


As Lucia told the story to everyone, the had a sad smile on her face, "You know Virgil, every other pregnancy I had after that, you would always hold my hand and walk in front of me, shielding my stomach."

"Awe, Virgil! That's so cute of you!" Remus teased.

"Yeah, he'd open every single door for me, and help me when I needed to sit down or get up..he was also very quiet, because he worried that loud noises would somehow be able to hurt the baby, too." She smirked.

"You know, people never ask how Virgil is when they talk about all of it. It's always 'poor Lucia' it's never 'poor Virgil' is it?" Alice asked.

"Now that I think about it, you're right!" Lucia realized.

So, they all looked to Virgil.

"I mean, yes, I was always devastated, after losing a brother. Then two sisters. Actually, three if you count Emily..then there were a few we never knew the gender of..." he counted.

"Damn" Alex whispered.

"And now, I feel..afraid every time my mom leaves the house. I don't want to loose another one.." he whispered.

"Me neither.." Lucia said.

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