chapter 113 - perry the seagull

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Jess: oh my god no, I so didn’t!

Holly: you did!

We were both wetting ourselves. My phone rings- its Danny. I smile and put him on speaker.


Jess: hey babe how’s boys night?

Danny: well hellooooo miss corn…ish

I laugh and so does holly

Jess: are we a little drunk dan?

Danny: who? Me? Noooooope im not… wait what, what did you say?

Im laughing so hard, trying to cover it up though

Jess: babe your drunk, where are the others?

Danny: i… don’t… know… im guessing… somewhere…

What? I look puzzled at hols

Jess: dan what do you mean? Where are the others?

Danny: I don’t know…


Danny: jess oh my god, there’s a really… really… really big seagull! *whisper*

Jess: what are you on about Danny? Where are the others?... where are you?

Danny: I said, I don’t know you majesty… where are youuuuuu?

Jess: im at the hotel Daniel, maybe you should come back?

Danny: nooooooooo, im having fun… with Perry

Jess: Perry?

Holly is almost crying with laughter

Danny: the seagull *whisper*

Jess: right dann-



I sigh inside, thank god. I see holly relax a tad too.

Glen: where have you beeeeeen?

Danny: with Perry the seagull…

I hold my laughter in

Danny: her majesty is on the phone *to glen*

He says thinking I can’t hear him

Jess: I can hear you

Danny: she can hear my oops * to glen*

I roll my eyes and laugh

Jess: baby when you coming back?

Danny: I don’t know my queen… not- wait whattttt?

Jess: when. Are. You. Coming. Home?

I hold my laughter in, what has he drunk?

Danny: not yeeeeet! The night is… old…

Glen: young twat

Danny: oops young…

Fuck sake, I have tears in my eyes oh my god!

Jess:  be safe yeah?

Danny: we need a… baby.


Jess: w-what?

Danny: baby Jesus… you can be Mary and I’ll be god!

Oh dear god, give me strength.

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat