chapter 15 - skate park

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*** most of it for a while is going to be jessie poinbt of view, just cause i fine it easier to write from this point of view because i have experianced some of this so i find it easier to write it if you understand what i mean, so yeah sorry :( x ***

*no one view*

danny left reepham knowing a different sidfe of jessie, holly explained everything to him. he appolliged and they are ok with each other now. 

jessie left reepham knowing she had friends that will be there for her and care. 

milly left not listening to holly and still going to stir shit.

they all left tired from a week of ups and downs.


it the lastweek of the summer holidays and i feel great. im over danny, ive been spending loads of time with my friends and i feel great! speaking of spending time with friends me jack and joe are going to the skate park today. ive gotten into photography to, so im going to take some photos of them skatebording. 

 we arrive and mess about y just me taking photos of them trying to do new tricks and seeing how high they can ollie by looking at nmy photos and stuff. we sat down for lunch, we all sat on the mniddle ramp. i werent hungry so watched them stuff their faces like animals that hvaent been fed in years. 

my phone buzzed it was holly.

*text conversation*

holly: hey

jess: hey u ok?

holly: no u?

jess: yeah whats up?

holly: dm

jess: holly come on whats up?

holly: my uncle in law got rushed into hospital

jess: oh shit! do you know why?

holly: you dont care anyway!

jess: what?! cause i do! your like a sister to me!

holly:whatever you dont!

jess: would i ask if i didnt?! no!

holly: you tell me?

*end of texts*

i cant talk to her when sees like that, whatever you say wil be wrong. they finish eatting and start skating again. my phone buzzes its milly.


milly:oi what did you say to jess! your bang out of order! if someones uncle in law got rushed into hospital id be there for them 100% i dont care who it is! your ment to be holllys best mate, so why arent you being there for her?! 

jess: i tried to help but she was being funny with me! and you be there for someone whatevre!

milly: oh so thats why shes round mine crying her eyes out!? i thought you had a heart jessie! you know what i was jealous of you! because everytime holly was with me all she would say is how lovely and friendly constantly talk about you but now your like this im not so jealous!

jess: ill send you the conversation then i tried but she pushed me away! - attached/coversaton/people.holly.jess/76803




milly: oh

*end texts*

what is she playing at?! whatever it is i hope she calms down by schoool i really dont want to fall out with her!!

***sorry its short but i wanted to post something and do this bit inplease vote comment and fan:D xx***

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