chapter 81 - its personal

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I skip with happiness straight past the lift and down the stairs to Danny's room. I can wipe the smile off my face- its funny the effect one person can have on you is unreal! I skip humming Danny's new song hall of fame- I really like it and like and not because it's his but it's got a good meaning, the lyrics are good and it's just a good song!

I knock a happy knock on his door and a smiling Danny appears.

Jess: morning! *happy*

Danny: morning, someone seems very happy this morning!

Jess: because I am!

Danny: come in? And why?

I stepped in and spun round still smiling at him, he seemed shocked at how happy I am

Jess: I can be happy you know....

Danny: I know you are! I am happy that you are- its good. But you seem overly happy?

Jess: well I have you-

Danny: do you now?

I grabbed his top, not aggressively! And stood on tip toes

Jess: shhh

I pecked his lips and stood back down

Danny: now that's a better hello

I laugh a bit

Jess: I'm having dinner with holly tonight-

Danny: again?

Jess: I haven't seen here in 3 months I've been in L.A. and yeah to talk about you... oh wait unless you come?

Danny: I don't think so

Jess: why? Please?

Danny: no, she doesn't like me, she doesn't think we should be together therefore I do not see the plus sides of me coming!

Jess: because I want you to come...

I snake my arms behind his head and stood with my face just in front of his.

Danny: nope

Jess: pleaseeeeeeee?

Danny: no *laughs*

I stood away from him and crossed my arm and gave him a pouty face. He just laughed; he walked towards me and put his hands on my waist looking down into my eyes

Danny: come on; don't be like that, it's just not a good idea

I didn't change how I was

Danny: fineee! I'll come!

I jumped up and down clapping!

Jess: yay! Thank you!

I kissed his cheek

Danny: is that all I get?

I laugh

Jess: come on... we will be late

I say as I drag him out the room. We walked hand in hand to the lift where I let go and he gave me a sad look

Danny: I wanna show you off

Jess: but

Danny: I know...

He smiled and we walked out tom and will turned round

Tom: wow! Am I on another planet?! Dinner? Work? And in a lift? With no arguments?!

I laugh

Jess: a new series and new slate...

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now