chapter 17 - Ill be right there!

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this week is really dragging. partly since i have no friends apparently now. so i spend all my time alone. well i have mark but he is normally with danny so its hard... i still dont know what i have done with holly- or clair!

i thought i had hit rock bottom before but now its like, theres rock bottom then 50 feet of crap, then me. live just is a drag and i dont see the point. 

mark: whats up jess?

i just looked up at him and gave him a very faint slight fake smile. he gave me a sympathetic smile and hug.

mark: oh hun, what happened, you used to be the livliest person i knew, who wouldnt let anyone or thing get you down?

he  is right, i was like that.

*2 weeks later*


me, mark, holly and clair are all having lunch at the moment. im not really sure what has happened between holly, clair and jess. they seemed so close then bang! not talking and they are hanging out with us. i think holly is using me slightly but im not sure. holly doesnt seem herself neither does clair, but not like jess. talking of jess, she hasn't been here for about a week or so...

holly: eugh! its that same fucking number again!

danny: didnt you say thats a new phone?

holly: yeah?

danny: well maybe you forgot to save it in your new phone?

holly yeah i guess.

she answered it.

holly: hello?

oh hi mrs cornish



oh god! ill be right there!

mark: whats happened?

holly: im not sure! but i need to go!

she ran off. ok?

****sorry for not updating!! im ill and stuff, ive had loads of extra work and stuff. but what do you think has happened? dedication to anyone who can guess ;) thanks for all the support :D xx****

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