chapter 19 - waiting

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im sat on those hospital chairs. you know the waiting room ones, the ones where after two minutes your arse goes numb, the ones where you can never ever get comfortable. yeah those ones. i out side jess's room, with my head in my hands, still tears flowing down my face. i havent been aloud to see her yet, just family. she is also sleeping according to the doctor.

rose, steven, hanna and rachel are all in there. looking and crying over there bearly alive daughter, who is there because of me. me. because i was a selfish cow, because i was a bitch. i didnt mean to be, it was just that everything had gotten to much. eugh!

i had been sitting outside for about 3 hours. driving myself insane. it was about 4:30pm. i could hear some foot steps, i asumed it was more nurses, they had all been very nice.

voice: holly?

i looked up and saw clair, mark and danny standing there. i burred my head in my hands again, and i heard them sit down and clairs arm round me.

clair: whats happend?

holly: i-it jess, s-shes n-nearly dead b-b because of me (breaks down)

mark: oh holly, dont be too hard on yourself...

Holly: it's true!... Anyways how did you know?

Danny: bumped into mrs Cornish at school...

Holly: oh ok- no offence but why have you come?- I mean you and Jess don't get on, you hate her!

Danny: yeah well she is gunna need support and friends to get over this...

we all sat in silence, clair was hugging me tight. all thoughts were circulating in my brain. what if she dies? what if she never wants to see me again? what if- what if-

clair: she'll be alright y'know...

holly: you dont know what (deflatted)

clair: she always has been...

after about another 2 hours later, steven came out and said i could see her. i got up slowly and walked into the room. i smiled at rose.

rose: come on girls lets give jess and holly some space...

holly: o-o-oh no rose its fine stay i understand...

rose: no come on girls...

they got up and left just me and jess. i pulled a chair up next to her bed. she was still asleep. 

holly: oh j-jess... im sorry... i didnt mean for it to end up like this... i was such a bitch. i didnt think about who i was hurting. but jess i love you. your like my sister, you and clair. im sorry i didnt mean too push clair away from you, eugh. im sorry. 

jess: its fine.

holly: jess?

she turned on her side, she looked very tired and rough.

holly: i just wanna say im sorry and ill be here for you the whole way!

clair: we all will...

i turned round and saw clair, mark and danny all sood there. i smiled and they pulled chairs up. the doctor came in cheeked some stuff.

holly: um what happens now?

doctor: well, um, we will moniter jessica for a few days, make sure everything is ok. then jessica will have  to go to rehab for a while. the when thye feel ready along with jessica, she will be aloud home...

clair: how long is she going to rehab for?

doctor: every case is different, some a few weeks, some a few years... 

jess was holding my hand- tight. i squeezed it back. tears formed in my eyes. thr doctor in formed me that we had about 5 minutes before visiting times were over. we said our goodbye, she was almost asleep as it was. rose overed us a lift home. 

i got home and grabbed my dinner out of the oven and eat in my room, today had been a whirl wind.

***** sorry it not amazing :( ill update soon :) please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

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