chapter 67 - get away from me

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i still couldnt help but watch jessie, she seemed to froze, i followed her gaze, is that... cam? oh... she stummbled back and her hand crasped the bar. you know when you cant believe something and your eyes are wide and scan everything, she was doing that. she picked up her clutch and stummbled out, she passed me and will and she looked she was about to cry. i excused myself from will and followed behind her. she got out and her hand went to the wall as she bent down gasping for air.

danny: jessie? *hesitant*

she stood up and saw me.

jess: go away

danny: are, are you ok?

jess: fine *snap*

she was breathing fast, and she rumaged through her bag.

danny: jessie look-

i put my hand on her arm

jess: get off!

she strugged my hand of, and bent dont looking through her bag.

danny: i-i need to talk to you-

jess: i dont have anything to say to you!

she got he rphone and stood up and went to walk off. i grabbed her arm spinning her round.

danny: then listen!

jess: danny get off! your hurting me!

i didnt i just looked at her. she tried to pull away from me.

danny: i need to talk to you-

jess: get off me! get away from me!

she got her phone out and wasnt listening to me. soon holly turned up.

holly: jess?

danny: please just listen to me!


a tear fell from her eye and i relised i was holding her arm very tight. i let go, and holly came over.

danny: jessie- i-i- im so sorry!-

jess: get away from me!

she held her arm and she walked off. oh my god! i feel so bad. i text her apologizing and went to find mark.


me and holly got back to mine and i stummble to my kitchen cupboards until i found a bottle of vodka. i sat on the sofa.

holly: jess, what happened?

jess: he has moved on already

i say as i took a swig of vodka and handed it to her. im not a big big drinker but tonight im going to drown my sorrows.

holly: who? danny?

jess: cam....

holly: what?

she took a swig and handed it back,

jess: he was dancing and kissing another girl today... i-i think she was the girl that works behind the bar for him...

i took and swig and passed it back. the clear poison burnt as is ran down throat and turning my blood in to alcohol...

holly: sorry babe...

jess: you know what... i did fuck up with him.. i was even thinking about talking to him- maybe i was to quick to quit-

holly: 10 years is not quick!

jess: i know but... but now i have found closure! i am done!

we both take a swig...

holly: what was that about with you and danny?

jess: he wanted to talk to me... he has a strong grip, gave me a dead arm-

holly: no... you know... you and him *hint hint*

jess: oh, nothing...

holly: jessica cornish-

jess: ok ok, but dont full name me again!

she laugh,

jess: we are nearly out of vodka! ok, so he wont leave me alone- i think he wants to get with me... *drunk*

holly: i know that... what do you want?

jess: from what i remember he was good in bed... so i dunno... he is too pushy though

holly: maybe he is pushhy because he likes you so much but you keep pushing him away?

i got up and nearly feel flat on my face as i walked to the kitchen.

jess: maybe... speak of the devil he text me..

i opened it and tried to focus on it- drunk reading is hard.

jess: 'hi jessie im sorry for earlier i didnt mean to hurt you... i just need to speak to you... i dont think you understand how much i like you- or ever have. but i would like it if you could hear me out and then if your answer is still no then i will understand... sorry see you soon dany x' *mimicing danny*

jess: you know what danny... fuck you...

i chucked my phone on the sofa, i staggered through to the kitchen and found some more vodka. i stood in the door way and posed with it holly laughed, she was sitting on the floor playing with jackson and i flopped onto the sofa.

holly: how come you have so much vodka? you barely drink

jess: i know... i... dont... know... *trying to think*

holly: i think you should talk to danny... actually tell him how you feel... cause you blatently like him!-

jess: i so do not!

she raised an eye brow at me

jess: whats the point, ok ok, so i do... i hate myself for liking him but he is so addictive! his eyes- accent- oh daym!

she laughs

holly: you so need to let him know... he really likes you i mean not eating sleeping likes you... oh god you would look so cute together!

jess: no... cause everything he said-

holly: stop living in the past jess! let it goooooooo....

i laughed at her trying to sing let it go.

jess: maybe...

i opened my phone and noticed i had a text it was danny- from the voice...

text: hello sorry to bother you jess but we need you in tomorrow... 7? thank you

jess: ssssshit...

holly: what?

jess: danny- c, said we have the voice tomorrow...

holly: what time?

jess: 7

holly: 4 hours...

jess: fuckkkkkkk!!!

holly: sleep?

jess: yeah..

we both took one last swig of vodka befor stummbling upstairs and getting into bed. maybe i should speak to danny. my phone buzzed one last time. i opened it, it was a text from danny- great.

text: sorry jessie look forget everything, i get it, your not into me... im sorry... friends and im happy with that... as long as you are? danny x

oh god! maybe not. he is never going to want to give us a chance now. what should i do? i guess say nothing. get over him and everything will be fine... part of me actually really want to scream i love him but the other part knows not too...

**** oh daym haha i got offered a place with a managment team for singing, to help me get signed! crazy! i cant stop shaking haha! sorry, please comment, vote, fan:Dxx****

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