chapter 126 - 14 minutes

277 7 7

*A/N only 1 maybe MAYBE 2 left.... :( enjoyxx*



Danny: yes beautiful?

He walked into the hall way. I pull my heels off and run over.

Jess: look, look what I got developed and put on my phone!

I pulled him into the lounge and sat on the sofa. I opened my phone and showed me.

Danny: oh my god

It was a video from a water proof camera we had. It’s a slide that you stand on and then you just drop. It shew Danny holding it,


Danny: sure none of you wanna go first?

Jess: not really, come on *Wink*

He nervously stepped onto the platform. He was almost shaking. I was holding my breath for him. The lights flash.




He drops. If you blinked you would have missed it. He was gone.


The video goes dark and all you can hear is his screaming. It suddenly changes direction and he shoots out into the water. He spins the camera round


He points it to the slide and one by one we all come out. He points the camera at us all.

And we all pose haha.

*end of video*

Jess: I can’t believe that was nearly a week ago!

Danny: crazy, I love you baby

Jess: I love you more

I open Instagram and post the video

Post: had an amazing time with these… throwback to last week at the water park! #Jamaica video 1

I post a few video shots and look at Danny. He’s so perfect. So gorgeous. So, so, there are no words.

Danny: what?

Jess: nothing

Danny: what?

Jess: nothing

Danny: I love you

Jess: love you more

Danny: impossible

He kisses me. Jackson comes and whimpers at my feet. I laugh and scoop him up

Jess: someone jealous hu? Yes?

I rub his belly and snuggle into Danny. These times are perfect… I don’t want anything to wreck these times.


Im so happy. Jess is here, Jackson is here, everything I chilled and perfect. I stretch out.

Jess: morning handsome

I look down at jess snuggled into my bare chest as her eyes flutter open.

Danny: morning beautiful… how are you?

Jess: im good

She stretches out and cuddles into me more

Jess: you?

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now