chapter 35 - move on...

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we are all at lunch on the field, by we i mean our group which is now- me, mark, glen, rina, irma, louise, jacob and lucy. rina and mark are getting on so well, they are so gunna date at some point you can just tell... glen and louise are still dating but i dont think its gunnna last, jacob mmm not sure what to say about him. and irma wow, she is stunning i think she is going to be a model, she isnt from london though, im not sure where she is from but she has an acsent.

mark: no, ps4 is way better than the new xbox!

jacob: naah xbox guy through and through...



irma: um dan could i have a word at somepoint?

danny:sure, is everything ok?

irma: oh yes! everything is fine, i just need to ask you something...

danny: ok, um meet me on the corts in free period?

irma: ok sure!

it was soon time for music. i had this with jess, we dont speak, well no, its awkward when we make eye contact... we are working on writing music, which is easy since me, mark and glen have already done this so every lesson i pretend to write a bit more... which all i do is write the next line or so of our actual song.

i look over at jess, if i hadent of been so jealous all the time, if i werent such a dick maybe we would be writing songs together. she would be talking all night with me and not with this george kid, he is such a i dont know wanker, just not right for her at all. she deserves someone strong and who knows how to look after her, someone stable to help her whenever she need it. someone there so hold her tight when things get rough, to squeeze her hand to let her know its all gunna be ok. to stand by her.

im gunna tell her. im not letting him walk in and try and take her... nope.the lesson ends and i grab jess's arm, not tight just to get her attention. she swings round and sees me. i know we both have a free period now, i see her walking about sometimes. i dont have too meet irma for another hour i have two stright free periods.

danny: can we talk?

jess: what?

danny: please? i have something i need to say

jess: *sigh* whatever... where?

we walk down to the park, there is a stream with little fish swimming, parents with their toddlers playing in the sand, running up the side and slidding down. it was nice, the sun was shining.

jess: so? sorry i dont mean to be pissy just i dont wanna get caught up... you know?

danny: yeah but please... jess i know i wasnt the one, i know i messed up, let you slip through my fingers. i was jealous and stupid. and ive never said sorry, i truly am sorry... but i dont think george is the one. i know i have no right to say this, but i never stopped caring for you. you deserve someone who is always gunna be there, day or night. to hold you, dry your tears and never let go. someone who will hold your hand and let you know your gunna be ok. someone who knows how too look after you, who knows you have down times and they need to be there, not run, someone who knows that you need time to trust, time to heal and time to see...

jess: and what? you were just all that?

danny: no, no, thats my point, i missed my chance, but i want you to be happy...

jess: you did miss your chance danny, and getting over you was the hardest thing ive ever had to do, then i did and you liked me?! thats fucked up! you then got me and acted like a dick, so again i was left broken hearted, left to get over you. and it may not have seemed it, cause fake smiles hide alot, but inside i was dying trying to get over you, i was close to cutting. and half the time it wasnt because you had hurt me, it was because after all we went through i was still stupid enough to trust you, again, and time after time i would sit and wonder why? why did i put myself there again? why if he did love me did he leave me like this again? but its my mistake, i fell for you, dont be sorry...

danny: how can i not?

jess: but you know what? you know why i havent turned round to george and gone, sorry but im a mess, we shouldnt be friends?! you wanna know?! because its nice to have a friend who you havnt known for years, someone new who doesnt have to know all my past, all th shit, but someone who seems to finally like me for me! whats wrong with that!?! please tell me?

i didnt know what to say.

danny: nothing... i jjust dont think you should date you....

jess: why? i seem to have a shit taste in men! anyways i never said i liked him, and to be honest i highly doubt he will ever like me...

danny: why? your like every mans dream girl...

jess: nope... im a fuck up danny!

danny: jess you will never be a fuck up! you've got so much going for you... your unbelievable talented, you look stunning- all the time, you care, even for people who dont deserve your care. you love everyone, jess you are not a fuck up... jess you slipped, you messed up a little, not even messed up cause it has made you into you, but everyone slips up from time to time... dont hold yourself to it...

she looked at me, i could see the tears in her eyes. i wanted to kiss her more than anything... i think she could feel it too... she wipped her tears and got up.

jess: i think i should go... but dan move on, we are done, find someone else, someone to look after you...

i just looked up and her. she turned and left. i bowed my head it was all i could do... she was the one... and shes gone...

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now