chapter 93 - goodbye

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He sort of sighed and walked over. I stood there unable to move, I had said it. He stood in front of me and cupped my face, he looked down and our eyes locked.

Danny: jess, earlier you said you didn’t want to get close to me again to see me walk away… I don’t want to do the same jess, I don’t wanna get close to you, give this up for a week, a month or few months down the line something else pulls us apart! I can go through that again, the chance it may stop us ever being just friends… this way we can be friends and close…

Jess: d-danny I can’t watch you go again, the pain of watching you leave or the achy pain I get when you’re not there I can’t deal with it…

Danny: jess, you’re the strongest person I know, you’ll make it through this… im only doing this because I know wits the best thing for us both… this way I won’t lose you…

Jess: Danny please don’t do this! I know it’s selfish for me to ask you to do this, to give this chance up for me but, but, but your my everything and I’ve had more fun and felt more complete than ever! You’ve made me a bad run down person but you also brought the good and life out of me! You’re my missing puzzle piece Dan! I need you…

Danny: it’s a two year contract… I’ll be back before you know it…

Airport announcement: last boarding call for flight BAXYI974 to New York leaving at 8.45…

Danny: im sorry jess… I’ve got to go… I love you Jessica Cornish, goodbye…

He left me stood there. He-he is really going? I eventually turned around and got in a cab. I pulled my sorry arse out the cab and walked into the party. Holly and Clair rushed over.

Holly: Danny? Where’s Danny?! What happened?!

Jess: he’s gone…

Clair: oh Hun… comes on let’s get drunk!

I forced a smile and followed them to the bar. They got drinks and shots but I didn’t drink them. I went to the toilet to put my shoes back on and sort my face out again. Great birthday this is. I stood in the mirror redoing my lippy.

Holly: jess?

Jess: yeah

Holly: look at me…

I spun round and looked at her

Holly: I know this must be really hard see danny go, but he organised this and he put a lot of thought and care into who should come and everything else… he wouldn’t want you to mope about he would want you to be happy and enjoy it…

Jess: didn’t care enough to come…

Holly: look, please jess? I hate seeing you like this… come dance and have a good time…

Jess: fine!

I smiled at holly she really cares; she will always put me and my happiness first. I hugged her and pulled my heels on...

We walked out and I grabbed a JD and diet coke before going on to the dance floor. I let all my troubles go.

Ellie: finally!

Jess: sorry!

I danced with, holly, Clair, Hannah, Rachel, ellie, Ed, tinnie, my mum, nieces and nephews- everyone! I was having a wonderful time. I hope Danny was too- stuck on a long ass flight!

I sat down on a chair and Clair came and sat with me.

Jess: where you staying?

Clair: um Danny said I could stay at his for a night…

Jess: oh

Clair: so what’s new?

Jess: not much… my new album is nearly done!

Clair: yay I can’t wait to hear it!

Jess: how’s traveling?

Clair: incredible! You should come out sometime! The views and hikes are unbelievable!

Jess: your pictures look amazing! Yeah, maybe me and hols could come out and see you for a bit?

Clair: yes! You must!

I laugh and we chat a little longer.

Jess: so glad to see you Clair!

Clair: you too! Come on dance some more!

I smile and got up,

Ed: jesssssiiiiiiieeeeee j!!!!

Jess: haha hi Ed!

Ed: how are you? How’s the voice?

Jess: im good, the voice is good how are you?

Ed: im good, im good! I’ve missed you loads! How’s L.A. been?

Jess: amazing! It’s so nice over there… but not as good as home!

Ed: it really is! But yeah can’t beat home!

I smile and continue to dance. I see mark by the bar and go over.

Jess: not going with Dan?

Mark: what?

Jess: Danny? America?

Mark: oh right yeah, Dan is going over now to see the contract and make a final decision and then if he goes ahead me and glen will start packing and making arrangements…

Jess: oh… it was a bit of a shock!

Mark: sure was! So how’s Manchester?

Jess: it’s alright I guess, different to London…

Mark: yeah, oh I hear new album bells?

Jess: yeah, soon! And I hear yours is nearly done!

Mark: yeah, would have been out already but then will said about doing a track so we are now doing that...

Jess: sounds great! Can’t wait to hear it!

Mark: same for yours!

Jess: i take it Dan told you about… you know… us?

Mark: what? No? Oh jess that’s amazing!

Jess: yeah I thought that… but it’s over now… he has gone to America and im not going to see him again… im just gunna be alone forever!

The music changed soft- this is meant to be a party! God sake!

Ellie’s song came on- how long will I love you…

Mark: I wouldn’t speak to soon jess…

Jess: what?

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan

How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash up on the sand

How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far
How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can

Mark looked shocked. What? For god sake will someone turn this off! It’s meant to be a party! I love ellie to bits and I love this song but come on liven up!

I turn round to go to ask them to change it. When the last person I expected to see was stood in the middle of the dance floor.

Jess: Oh. My. God.



*****who is it? Lads on xfactor weren’t they amazing?! :O please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

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