chapter 118 - pancakes

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Im stood in the doorway of the bedroom. Jess is curled up in bed- she hasn’t really moved. She gets up at the latest possible, goes to the voice puts a smile on, comes home to bed and cries. It’s breaking my heart.

I walk into the room. I knee inform on her and move some hair from her face.

Danny: jess, baby, can you hear me?



Danny: you have a visitor…

Jess: i-I don’t want see anyone…

She berry’s her head into the pillow

Danny: it’s your mum

Jess: m-y mu-m?

Danny: yeah, come on baby…

I help her up and give her and her mum some space. It’s about 6pm; I decide to go down to the bar. I sit at a stool and will comes over

Will: yo man, how’s Jessie?

Danny: not good

Will: how you holding up?

Danny: I haven’t slept in a week

Will: have you spoken to her about it?

Danny: nope, she goes back to the room and cries… I don’t know what to do…

Will: im sorry dan, it must be horrible

Danny: how am I upset over something I never had or knew about?

Will: because Danny, it was you…

Danny: I don’t know what to say to her… it’s like there’s a wall- it’s never been like this…

Will: she probably feels the same… why don’t you ask for some time off?

Danny: can’t, Danny C is in a really shit mood at the moment

Will: that’s true… well its only one more week…

Danny: yeah, im going to take jess on holiday

Will: awh

Danny: I want everyone to go, you, tom, jess’s family…

Will: dope ill come- sure tom will too

Danny: cool, I think it’ll be good

Will: just text me the deets

Danny: will do

I down the rest of my drink

Danny: better go see her, thank will

Will: any time Danny

I walk back up to the room. Rose is watching TV

Danny: where jess?

Rose: bedroom, gone to lie down and catch up on some sleep

I nod and walk through to the bed room. I close the curtains and kiss jess’s forehead

Danny: im sorry baby

I walk back out

Rose: don’t worry Danny; it will get better in time

Danny: I hope so; I just don’t know what to say to her

Rose: just remember she isn’t made of glass; be honest with her… that’s the only way you’ll sort this out.

I nod, I feel so drained

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now