chapter 56 - a moment...

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jess: how is she?

cam: not good, no...

jess: awh babe, i just want to hug you now....

cam: i just want one of your hugs right now...

jess: is, is there anything i can do?

cam: not worry... just get ready and go out with the guys have fun yeah? 

jess: how can i do that, my boyfriends sister in lying in hospital? look um, i dont know when ill be able to get off but as soon as i can ill come straight there yeah! 

cam: jessie you cant take time off-

jess: its just a job... family comes first....

cam; your amazing... i love you

jess: love you more...

cam: i better go, doctors are coming... go have fun yeah?

jess: ok, keep me updated...

i close my phone and put it down on my dressing table anf finish brussing through my hair. i feel so bad for cam, his sister is the only family he has left. he doesnt speak to his parents. he also thinks im going out with my band tonight, not danny's... 

ive not dressed up to much, im wearing one of those shirt tops thats black and white and a pair of shinny high waisted disco pants, black with a pair of plain black heels. i sigh and check myself once more in the mirror before grabbing my bag, keys, phone and a bottle of wine. i get in the car and drive to dannys following his hopeless directions scribbled on a bit of paper and my memory from the other night- not that good. i soon arrive. i check my make up in the mirror and walk up to his door and knocking. 

a smarter than normal looking danny answers and invite me in.

danny: you found it then, sorry for the bad directions...

jess: haha its ok, wow, your house is lovely...

danny: irma's... im not a huge fan...

jess: haha its very homely...

he shrugs it off causing me to laugh and hands me a glass of wine and tell me to relax while he checks dinner. i sit down and admire the photos that fill gaps. i feel his presence again.

jess: you done well with her... she is pretty... yeah, all a guy tends to look for...

i smirk and he sits oppsite following my glance.

danny: *sigh* not me... id rather have a girl who is smart, funny and caring than one that pretty...

i look at him...

jess: you could have done worse...

danny: mmm, you dont know her like i do though... 

jess: yeah, i know...

danny: so come on, just under 10 years whats happened?

he smiles, and i feel my stomach melt, wait what?!

jess: um, ur, not much...

danny: your telling me, jessica cornish, the one who doesnt like to be ordinary has done anything amazing in 10 years?!



jess: 10 years clear?

danny: as, um, as in like... you know...

jess: its fine danny you can say it, its fine...

i almost laugh...

jess: but yes, 10 years and not a single cut.

danny: wow. jess- jessie sorry, thats amazing! you must be so proud!

i nod, why wont he call me jess? i love it when he does, it sounds just perfect his irish accent making it sound perfect and crisp. 

jess: yeah, so you go whats happened to the amazing danny long name o'donoghue?

i smirk and he laughed before thinking.

danny: wanna know the best bit? out of it all?

i nod.

danny: meeting you again, seeing how far we have come as people, the fact your sitting in the same room as me... the one thing i never thought could happen...

jess: danny, everything that happened happened years ago, further than i can remeber *laugh* and in that time i can see that we have both matured, you definitly what you just said sounds nothing like the old danny i knew...

he smiled.

danny: jessie, i know ive said it so much before, but i want to say it again. im sorry, sorry i pushed you to rehab, all the hate, not stopping the bullying, being a shit friend and a even worse boyfriend, i dont know how to put into words what i feel never have been able to...but please just let us forget the past move on and become close like we used to be?

jess: danny, please stop say sorry cause i think im gunna have ot ban it while im a round you, but im sorry i am, i never said it enough. the way i was, just a stupid young girl. and if i couold go back and tell my young self to sort the fuck out i would... but i didnt make an effort in our relationship and to be honest maybe we werent doomed, maybe we just werent old enough and i didnt pull my weight so please dont blame yourself...

he smile.

danny: friends?

jess: i think we can do a little better...  best friends?

he smiled and soon he plated the food. it was gorgeous.


me and jess are just laughing about and reconnecting to how we used to be. it perfect. i get lost in her sometimes, her ora is mind ultering. 

danny: wanna hear a new song? i dont know

she nodded and smiled widly.

i got up and sat down at my piano, she soon joined me. i started to let my hands freely start to play and song called 'kaleidoscope'. i sang along, and i could hear her harmonising quietly to herself as she picked the chorus up. the sound filled the whole house. it was magical. 

*no one(3rd person)*

danny turned to face jessie as he finished. she looked up and their eyes connected. their faces milimeters away from eachothers. their warm breath tickling eachothers lips. their eye slowly and occasionally flickling from eyes to lips. neither new what was happening, well they did but they had no control. it just seemed to be happening. 

their lips so close to touching when both jump slightly back realising what was about to happen. they looked in different directions. 

jess: um i, um, i best be going... um, thanks for dinner danny i had a great time, it was lovely. sorry...

she grabbed her bag and walked out.. she stopped just outside his door, danny got up to stop her, he got to the door, his hand resting on the cold gold handly.

jessie turned to face the door, she went to knock but stop just before. she took a deep breath and they both turned away.

neither new they both wanted eachother to stay. but both new that moment they just shared wouldnt go away soon.

the smell of jessie perfume still linger and dannys smile filled jessie brain. they couldnt quite- or just didnt want to believe what had happened. jess drove straight home and to bed and danny went straight to bed, both very confused...

*****ooo so janny moment..;) haha sorry it ate wattpad wouldnt let me upload dunno why:/ thanks for the amazing support!! please comment, vote and fan:Dxx******

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