chapter 127 -mark are you dying?

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Glen: I don't know why

Danny: well ill check with jess, if she doesn't mind then yeah im up for it...

Glen: cool, do you think he's ok?

Danny: yeah, its mark, he will want a few beers and a catch up

Glen: hope so, let me know and I'll give you a lift

Danny: oh cool cheers mate, ill text jess now and get back to ya

Glen: cool bye

Danny: bye

*End of call*

I open my phone and text jess

Gorgeous<3 — hey babe, when you will you be back? Mark has asked me and glen to go over tonight? Do you mind? Love you xxxx

She soon replies

Reply — hey im about to leave so back in about 20, no I don't mind, go have fun love you xxxx

I text glen

Glenny boy — hi mate jess says it's all good

Reply — cool bud, I'll pick you up say half an hour?

Glenny boy — yeah see ya soon

I close my phone and stand at the kitchen tapping my fingers on the side. Fighting the urge to go read the letter. I know it's there. It's calling me. I need to read it, but I can't. No.

I make myself a cup of tea to distract me. But I know it's there. I need to open it. I can't not. It would be rude right? I walk into the hallway and go through all the jackets till I find it. I open it up, and unfold it.

Letter: hi danny-

I hear jess pull up outside- shit. I scrunch it up and stuff it in a pocket again. I open the door and she smiles and kisses me.

Danny: good day?

Jess: yep, yours?

Danny: was ok

No it was horrible; I've wanted to read that letter all day!

Danny: get anything done?

Jess: just tour plans and promo plans, you?

Danny: nope, watched some TV with Jackson for a bit

Jess: sounds like hard work

Danny: it was to be honest, I couldn't find the remote

We laugh. There was a beep outside

Jess: oh holly is now gonna come over, better pop and get some stuff

She grabs a jacket and we walk out together. I kiss her goodbye and get into glens car. I push the letter to the back of my mind.

Danny: he's fine glen, stop worrying

I look at him

Glen: i-m not

I open my phone and tweet

Tweet: @TheScript_Danny lads night ;)

We soon arrive and mark lets us in.

Mark: alright lads?

Glen: y-yeah

Danny: oh god, mark if you are dying please just say cause glen is freaking out

Glen: im not

Mark: no *laughs* im not dying, its good news actually

Danny: I told you

I see glen relax and we follow mark into his lounge. He hands us a beer and we sit down. I wonder what it is...

Danny: where's rina? The kids?

Mark: her mums

Glen: wait?! You guys are ok right?!

Mark: yeah, yeah, we are great actually...

Danny: so why are you here?

Mark: cause she has only gone for a night and I wanted a lads night

Danny: cool, so come on, news?

Glen: yeah?

Mark: well, rina is expecting another baby

Danny: oh my god man! Congratulation!

Glen: congrats man that's amazing!

He was smiling uncontrollably, mark loves being a dad- it's really sweet. I can't wait until me and jess are ready for kids- I am now I think, but I won't push her.

Danny: how far?

Mark: um 10 weeks I think

Glen: im so happy for you man

Danny: can I tweet?

Mark: sure, rina did today

Tweet: @TheScript_Danny congrats mark and rina! Expecting their 3rd child! Best parents I know, so happy for you guys! X

My twitter erupts and we just open some more beers and have a good old catch up.


I drive to the shop down the road and pull my hood up. I wonder around, my phone goes off and I rummage through my pockets and pull my phone out. Something falls on the floor- hu? I answer and pick it up.


Jess: hiya

Holly: hey babes

Jess: hey hols, whats up?

Holly: babe im really sorry do you mind if I cancel tonight? My nans had a fall-

Jess: say no more, course I don't mind, go be with your Nan babe

Holly: im sorry

Jess: don't be, give her my best

Holly: will do, you're the best thanks!

Jess: anytime!

*End of call*

I put my phone and what seems like a letter in my pockets- ill read it later. I just buy a few bits we needed and go back home. I get back and chuck my trainers off and walk into the kitchen. I put the bags on the side, grab a handful of grapes and open this letter.

I wonder about reading it. What the actual fuck?! What is this?! I look at the date, it was written last week. What the fuck? It doesn't make sense... he wouldn't! Oh god. What have I done? This is bad.

I've given up all alcohol so I can't even have a drink to make it better. I put the letter on the coffee table and sit down. Nothing is going in. this can't be happening. Hot tears fall down my cheek. My head falls into my hands. How could I of been so stupid?!

****oops, so whats in the letter? I can tell you now that no one has guessed it ;) only 1 chapter left and lets just say DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA hahah please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

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