chapter 71 - brits!

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irma: im so sorry i cant come tonight babe

danny: its ok, i know youve got to work...

irma: ot sucks! i wanna be there to see you perform and show you how proud i am!

danny: i know, but im sure there will be plenty of time for that when you get home *wink*

irma: *laughs* we'll see... go on you better go get ready ill call you tonight and see how it goes yeah?

danny: ok gorgeous, night

irma: night love you

danny: love you too...

i closed my laptop. and get in the shower. its the final of the voice tomorrow. my final constestant is bo bruce and i really believe she can go all the way! and to get her in the mood for fame and stuff we have been going out busking and stuff. its so fun and tonight im taking her to the brits. 

not as anything other than her mentor but we have become good friends, she always flirts with me though but id never let anything happen with her- to be honest she isnt my type.

i get out the shower and quiff my hair, everyone will be in shirts and suits, me? jeans, a top and jacket. im not dressing up if i dont need to. a car soon beeps outside and i grab my phone and wallet before going out. 

we go past and pick bo up on the way, she is all dressed up.

danny: nervous?

bo: yeah, you?

danny: nah, you get used to it... just dont stop for too long and keep smiling...

i gave her a smile as we pulled up, she took a deep breath as i opened the door and helped her out. she crowd were screaming, i kept my hand on her hip- not waist nothing funny just to keep her moving and stop her getting dragged down. 

we sign stuff and slowly make our way in. we walk around and find our table saying hi to everyone. bo is on another planet. our table was me, bo, glen, mark, STJ, Will, jessie and holly. jessie always brought holly to these things- and her parents were always in the crowd too! 

jess: wow bo you must be on one massive high! *laughs*

bo: this is amazing! wow like wow!

i laugh and we chat a bit before the show starts. jessie couldnt sit still i know she was so nervous as she was up for awards. soon her *A/N i know she didnt win all these that im going to say she did but she was nominated* i lent across

danny: good luck hun!

she gave me a nervous thank you smile.

ellie goulding: ok, so next up is critics choice award... and for the first year the winner doesnt know who it is... this person i am so proud of she is one of my dear friends, she has worked so hard over the past few years to get to where she is... previous winners include adele and floance and the machine... she desevers this so much- lets see her in action. everyone looks at the screen and the winner comes on, a pre recording of a perfromce. jessie froze and i smile as 'do it like a dude' came on and jessie performing was on the screen. 

ellie goulding: thats right jessie, come on, please give it up for the beautiful and so talented wicked witch of the west aka JESSIE J!!!! 

everyone was cheering and screaming. me, mark and holly were cheering and going metal at her. woof whisling and making loads of noice. holly was close to tears but screaming so much. jessie finally got up and crutched towars the stage with such a shocked looked face.m


she hugged ellie and took a huge breath.

jess: wow, i just want to say this is oh god! haha thanks so much miss snow white for your words 

they laugh

jess: just thank you for everyone who has been with me on this journey! whether it was buying my album, listening to my songs, tweeting me, supporting me or even watching me in my pjs on youtube *laughs* this means more than anything. ive worked so hard and i cant believe im standing here now, wow. i remember sitting over there somewhere about 4 years ago *points*

the crowd cheer

jess: and waving like mad to get noticed *waves to crowd* and now to be here, and to have wno this award wsith such big names winning it previously is insane! 

holly & danny: WOOOOH GO JESSIE!!

jess: *laughs* thanks guys... thank you so much!!

she put the award in the air and came back. the smile on her face was huge. she was soon whisked away to sing and she sang 'do it like a dude' it was really good! she couldnt really walk, she had just one crutch and still managed to own the stage! 


its getting towards the end of the night and ive won 2 of the 3 awards i was up for! its insane! danny is up for one in a minute *A/N i know they didnt win but they should of so they are going to haha* right next is best international band... 

they showed everyone and then will started to open the envelope. awh, im so glad to give this award to these guys... the winner is... THE SCRIPT!!! 

jess: well done guys!!

they got up and hugged us on the way past. 

danny: wow, thank you! that was some tough competition! sorry to thoughs who didnt win! wow, this means so much! 

he done a little dance.

mark: yeah thanks to everyone for supporting us! and if wanna find us- nearest bar good starting point!

everyone laughed and cheered them off. they went up and performed breakeven. it was so good! the way danny gets into the song is so amazing, it makes you feel every word and want to be up there with him!

the brits soon came to an end and we all- everyone apart from me drunk, made our way to the after party. its been a great night. but bo seems to be getting really close to danny... i dont know if there is something between them or not... 

****danny, irma and bo bruce tention soon yay! haha do love a bit of drama haha!! please comment, vote and fan:Dxxx***

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