chapter 108 - 6 months

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She lifted him out of the box and engulfed him in hugs while he licked her.

Jess: thank you Dan! Thank you so much!

Danny: no problem gorgeous... wow he has gotten big since I last saw him!

Jess: same, I haven't seen him properly since I went away to LA...

Danny: really?!

Jess: yeah, I saw him a few hours before flying up here...

Danny: awh well he is here now

Jess: thank you!

She flung her arms round me and pecked my lips

Jess: but is he aloud here?

Danny: shhh *wink*

She laughed and cuddled him tight. She has a huge smile and her were full of happiness. It's been a long time- if ever that I've seen jess this happy.

Danny: right, dinner?

Jess: sure...

Danny: I was thinking nandos?

Jess: god I love you

I smile and peck her lips before going to order. It soon arrives and we eat up and sneak a few scraps to Jackson. I went to the kitchen to wash up the plates and when I came back through jess was fast asleep cradling Jackson who was cuddled up asleep too.


I grab a blanket and cover her up before sitting next to her and watching the TV.


I wake up to Jackson stretching out on my stomach. Im so happy he is here, he lights my world up like nothing else, I've really missed him. I shuffle him next to me and he curls up to dan. I smile and pull a pair of PJ trousers and vest on before scraping my hair into a messy bun and going to make a cup of coffee.

Im stood over the counter waiting for the kettle to boil when the door goes. I open it quick before Dan or Jackson wake up. Two police officers stand there... shit.

Officer 1: hello, we are looking for a Miss Jessica Cornish?

Jess: h-hi

Officer 2: would you mind if we come in and talk please Miss Cornish?

Jess: sure, and please call me Jessie...

Officer 1: right, we need a statement from you about the incident involving you and a miss Wilson, what is your account?

Jess: um, she... she was my ex-girlfriend who started to get abuse me over in the US and has followed me back here after we, we broke up... um she has been harassing me-

Officer 2: it is right you were waiting on a restraining order to be put in place?

Jess: yes. Um she turned up here, um then at the voice. She has been sending abusive texts and treats. And the other day she went to punch me and I moved and... and pushed her head to the ground

I trail off

Officer 1: we will need a copy of all phone calls and texts made, anything else that has been sent to we need a copy of...

Jess: sure, um I'll get my management to send a copy over

Officer 2: thanks Miss Cornish

Jess: w-whats going to happen to me?

Officer 1: we an investigation has been opened and all depending on Miss Wilson's next actions, whether she presses charges or not, decides what happened to you

Jess: w-worst case?

Officer 2: if she presses charges you're looking at a maximum sentence of 6 months

I just look at them.

Officer 2: thanks for your time miss Cornish; we will be in touch...

They leave and I slump onto the sofa and cry. Im so stupid. Why did I do it?! So fucking stupid. Next thing I know Jackson is on my lap lapping up my salty tears.

6 months. 6 months in a prison. Im not cut out for prison. Not at all.

Danny: babe?

Danny comes out the bed room in only some boxers rubbing her eyes

Danny: oh babe

He runs over and pulls me into a hug.

Jess: 6 months Danny, sentence for 6 months

I choke out

Danny: what? What you on about?

Jess: if she presses charges I could get a max of 6 months in prison!

Danny: oh baby, shhh, shhh it won't come to that... I promise it won't...

I hold on to him tight. After a while I plug my phone in and turn it on. Hundreds of text and missed calls come in.

Text from mum: oh darling are you ok? I saw the news; give me a call when you get a chance! Love you lots, mum xxxx

Text to mum: thanks mum, im ok I guess... can I call you in a bit? This afternoon at some point? Love you more, Jess xxxx

Text from Rachel: oh my god! Jessica Cornish! You little ninja! Love you talk soon yeah? Xxx

Text to Rachel: it's not a good thing :( she nearly died! I nearly killed someone! I might get 6 months in prison! :( Yes definitely need a catch up xxx

There are loads more and I slowly answer them all. Kate has sent me one.

Text: best we forget about that night I guess. But you need to stop telling people I put you in hospital! We both know what really happened! I did love you Jessie, I still do, and it's because of that, that im not going to press any charges... I'll stay away... I hope you and Danny or whatever his name is are happy... x

My phone starts to ring before I can reply.


Jess: hello


Jess: s-sorry

Cez: what the fuck was this whole Kate thing about! Jess im having to fight very hard to keep this label on your side right now! And your voice contract and everything- WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!

Jess: i-I weren't...

Cez: if she presses charges Jessie, you know what will happen? You'll lose everything...

Jess: she isn't going to

Cez: how do you know?!

Jess: because she told me, she won't...

Cez: she better not! Right you need a tweet saying sorry out ASAP!

Jess: ok

Cez: what we gunna do with you, ugh!

*end of call*

I sigh and draft a tweet.

Tweet: hi heartbeat and members of the public, im very sorry for my actions toward Kate Wilson. What happened was out of order and inexcusable of me. I hope I have not offended any of you and if I have I am deeply sorry. I hope Kate makes a full recovery and is all ok...

Some bullshit to make them happy, to be honest she had it coming.

*****ooo she jessie in the clear for now then :) please suggest ideas, comment, vote and fan:Dxx******

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