chapter 124 - promise

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Jess: so how are you and glen?

Holly: *blushes* good

Jess: holly palmer are you blushing? *shock*

She playfully slapped me

Holly: ok really good, I really love him babe, like I can see my future with him

Jess: awh babe, Im so happy for you!

She smiles

I readjust myself on the lounger

Holly: so you and Daniel?

Jess: good… yeah…

I look at him in the pool

Holly: future?


Jess: what about marriage?

He stayed quiet. I looked up from the water again and looked at him.

Jess: babe?

Danny: I don’t know… I know it’s the right thing to do. It’s what I was brought up to believe is the right thing to do… just I don’t know, I don’t see the point in it…

Jess: to show your commitment to one and other? To show your love?-

Danny: jess i don’t need a piece of paper and a ring to show you I love you… if I do then im doing something wrong… to be honest I think the other day proved how much I love you…

Jess: ok don’t need to talk about our sex life in public…

He laughed

Danny: I guess it’s not one of my things I feel I need to do… I can die happy not being married…

Jess: oh… ok…

*end of flash back*

Jess: y-yeah… I guess *sigh*

Holly: oi miss Cornish my not?

I look at her

Jess: I said yes

Holly: but you meant no

I go to speak again but she cuts me off

Holly: don’t try and say you didn’t… come on girl whats up?

Jess: *sigh* Danny doesn’t want to get married

Holly: what? Why?

Jess: I don’t know, he can die happy unmarried apparently, he doesn’t need a piece of paper and a ring

Holly: I thought he would be for marriage

Jess: same

Holly: are you happy not getting married?

Jess: no… but I can’t lose him so yeah… I have to be…

Holly: awh babe…

I look at her and force a smile. Im really not ok with this not marriage thing but I love Danny way too much to fuck it up. Why is everything so hard?

Jess: wanna know the worst bit… I know I’ll open my big mouth at some point and say something and it will all fuck up again *sigh*

Holly: don’t say that, you won’t, oi you’re lucky you get both sides…

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now