chapter 91 - he sorted this for me?

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I woke up in a warm comfy bed. My eyes flutter open and I realise im in Han’s spare room. I slowly wake up a bit more before walking down stairs, I walk into the kitchen and Han was stood making some coffee.

Hannah: morning, how you feeling?

Jess: my eyes sting from the hundreds of tears I shed but better than yesterday...

Hannah: right, sit down and tell me what happened…

I sat down and she handed me a cup of coffee.

Hannah: should I get two spoons?

I looked up at her and smirked. She laughed and grabbed a tub of cookie dough ice cream and two spoons. It may only be 11am but I need something.

Hannah: ok, go on…

Jess: well there’s this guy… and I’ve known him quite a while and we finally went on a date and we decided to give it a go because we got on really well. And he was up in Manchester with me and we have spent nearly every night and we cooked dinner together the other night and then he got a call and he went off and I heard the end of it and he called this person babe and said that he loved them and then said it was complicated because I was there…

Hannah: oh babe… was this guy Danny by any chance?

I took another spoonful of ice-cream and looked down.

Hannah: what happened to backing off?

Jess: I did… for over a year, and I dated in between and then I saw him again and him and Irma had broken up and and and I don’t know…

Hannah: have you spoken to him about it?

Jess: no cause everytime I see him I can’t help but cry… I love him so much! And at the moment the thought of what he said spins in my head and it feels like someone has dug their nails into my heart and ripping it out,  Like a knife being dug in and twisted.

Hannah: I don’t know what to say Hun…

Jess: no matter how hard I try to stay away he draws me in and in…

Hannah: you really love him don’t you…

Jess: too much…

Hannah: then talk to him, sort it out…

Jess: no I can’t…

Hannah: I think you should… if you love him that much, and im sure he loves you too…

Jess: I can’t face it…

Hannah: you haven’t done anything wrong and you shouldn’t hide away from it…

Jess: i-I know… I will…

Hannah: I’ll be here every step of the way!

Jess: thank you Han, I love you!

Hannah: right girly day and pampering and getting you all glam for your party tomorrow…

I smile and we sit in the lounge

Jess: where are the others?

Hannah: the kids are at mums and matty is away on business…

We did exactly as she said, pampered ourselves.


Its Jessie’s birthday today. I saw her last night, she came up with Hannah and her eyes were all puffy and she looked drained. I feel so so so bad!

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now