chapter 62 - could i be falling for him?

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my hands tangle in his hair- tugging slightly. he leaned back pulling me on top of him, i was now straddling him - never breaking the kiss. his hand on my bum, squeezing it slightly. it felt so good, my brain and whole body exploded and lit up. a feeling i can explain rushed through my body. tingling under his touch.

thr room was dim until the bright light of head lights shone through the windows followed by the sound of a car pulling up?

irma! shit! i jump up of dan and he realises why he sits up and i sit back. he runs a hand through his mess hair as the door flings open.

irma: danny! what the fuck is this whole news report thing?!- oh she is still here!

danny: calm down would you!

i was still in shock at the fact i was then kissing danny and how good it felt.

irma: danny, why the fuck is this bitch still here?!

jess: excuse me!? better than you!

irma: what the fuck did you just say!?

jess: i said better than you! always off on these little trips while danny sits at home not a clue where you are! looking after YOUR daughter!


jess had now stood up and standing opposite irma. for fuck sake. some sort bitch stand off! wow but that kiss was pure exstacy. her soft tender lips moving in sync with mine. my whole body felt amazing, like i was a new man. well not really i had just technically cheated on my girlfriend.-IM NOT LIKKE THAT!!! im really not, its not something i had planned more something i could have but didnt stop.

irma: who the fuck do you think you are!?

jess: im jessica cornish... got a problem with that? *sarcastic*

irma: yeah i have, what the hell is going on with you and my boyfriend!?

jess: im surpirsed you can even say that! your never here! *laughs* you know he deserves so much better!

irma: oh save me the lecture! why dont you just go cut yourself, you know, thats your thing right?

i spin round, i cant believe that she just said that. jess stood there, she looked so hurts.

jess: you bitch!

irma looks at me,

irma: thanks for standing up for me!

irma stormed of to the kitchen and jess went upstairs. i sat there for a minute before following irma.

danny: who the fuck do you think you are, say that!? thjats fucking sick!

irma: true!

she was lent over the sink drinking a glass of water!

irma: so, you and her?

danny: what?! of course not! who the fuck do you think i am?!

irma: i dont know, i turn the tv on and see you looking at houses with jess! all over the tv and news saying your a couple! it would make sense cause you know history and you see each other nearly everyday...

danny: of course not! there is nothing between me and jessie! she hasnt spoken to me for years! we ended on very very bad terms, but we have been able to put that behind us. why would i cheat on you?!

irma: i dont know, she is right im never here...

danny: because of your work, just like im not here when im on tour! by the way wheres Nikoleta?

irma: at my friend jains...

danny: look, jess is going through a hard time, she broke up with her boyfriend last night and needed somewhere to stay... as a mate! just a few day until she can find and move into a new house!

irma: promise me?

danny: yes!

irma: ive got to go, got to be in manchester by 9am, she can stay i guess but please promise me just a few days, ok?

i nod and she kisses me, before leaving. fuck. i sank on the side of the kitchen side. i heard the door go.

the door rang, dinner, i got up and paid the guy. i plaited some food up for me and jess and went to find her...


shit, ive wreaked their relationship. oh god! i never meant to do anything like this, i didnt even mean to kiss him. im going to have caused himso much trouble.

im chucking all my bits back into my bag. i hear the door go, shit, i god! i wipe my eyes and zip my bag up. i walk down stairs and go to the car. i chuck the bag in the back and sit in the drivers seat and breakdown. what have i done?!

what she said, go cut yoursefl! that hurt. shit where can i go? holly isnt bakc for a few days clair is out in new zeland. i can go to my parents or sisters cause there will be too many questions. i cant deal with them now.

suddenly the passenger door opens. danny gets in- holding two plates of food, it makes me ever so slightly smile...

jess: im sorry danny!

he hands me a plate

danny: you know how you band that word around me? im gunna do it too you!jess non of this is your fault, just a miss understanding. irma is fine i sorted it out with her she has gone to manchester. she doesnt mind you staying until you get sorted...

jess: no, no, i cant. danny, what what happened wasnt right- im not like that! if irma found out the truth your relationship would be over!

danny: im not like that either... but what happened, happened... theres is nothing we can do about it-

jess: look, im not going to lie it happened, it was nice, but it was bad danny, you cant brush over it like nothing... i cant stay here now, if irma hadent of come home where would we be now?

danny: probable comfy in my bed *wink* or sofa...

i gave him a no t funny look.

jess: im not joking danny! its not funny!

danny: sorry... where you going to go?

jess: i dont know yet...

danny: look that first house we looked at, was ready straight away.. so come back inside, get some rest, then talk to the estate agent and sort it all out ok?

jess: no danny, i cant... im sorry i really am... you dont deserve this...



danny: you know, earlier you were right with what you said to irma...

jess: just heat of the moment...

danny: please come indoors... ill feel bad if not...

jess: danny-

danny: thats it jessica im not taking no for an answer...

i could hear his smirk...

jess: *sigh* just for tonight daniel...

i look up and smile at him, he smiles back and his smile makes my body light up... i sigh and follow him indoors, we finish our dinner and soon go to bed. is it possible im falling for danny? no, not after everything... i need to keep my feelings close cause if i do i think il fall hard...

*****ooo shit is going down! 😂 sorry thanks for all the support! please suggest Ideas and I need more janny fics because no one seems to be updating :/ please comment, vote and fan:Dxx******

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