Chapter 3 - going to tell

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The bell went for the end of the day, me and holly walked out. I feel bad for holly now cause she is going to hear my rant on about milly.

Jack: wayyyyyyyyyy

I sing round and she jack catching me and holly up, on his bike. Me and holly laugh.

Jess: hi jack! can you just be normal for oneday?

Jack: ur noooooooooo

We laugh and walk to the tesco round the corner from the school, you can literally walk there in less than 1 minute.

We arrived, I don't know why we come here. nun of us have any money, we don't want anything, we just seem to spend 10 minutes standing outside, pointless hey?

Holly: let's get going...

Jess: yeah!

We grabbed the bus back.

Jess: she just fucking piss me off! she acts like the fucking boss of everyone! treats you like shit! and fucking causes and earth quake as soon as she walks!

Holly: I can't see why you too won't get on?!

Jess: cause I don't like how she treats my best mate, who is like a sister to me, she treats you like ducking shit!

The bus stops and Milly gets on, she wasn't at school today. she is meant to be ill, she doesn't look it! this bus goes to the city to, so I guess that's where she is going.


Everyone laughs.

Jess: ILL GET MY LIVERPOOL DAD ON YA!!! (Liverpool accent)

Everyone laughs.



Milly: OH FUCK OFF!!

She sat down in front of me and holly, the only seat left, great!

Milly: who was it that you said you liked jess? someone from our school?

She said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

Jess: what you want another cracked tooth?!

Milly: Danny?

Danny: yeah?

Milly: do you know who's Jess's crush is?

Danny: no why?

Milly: oh I think you do!

Danny: what does that mean?

Holly: Milly shut the fuck up!

Jess: she means since he is in the school you might know him, just forget about it!

Danny: ok, anyway you alright jess?

Jess: yeah thanks you?

Danny: yeah...

Suddenly holly got up and swapped places with mark. fine I see how it is.

Mark: can I have a word Jess?

Jess: um sure mark, what's up?

Mark: you know Danny?

Jess: um yeah?

Mark: and you know your crush?

Jess: yeah...

Mark: your crush is Danny isn't it?

Jess: what?! No! I don't know what you mean!

Mark: oh come on, I see the way you stare at his arse in science, and as soon as Milly mentions your crush to Danny you tense and get defenceless!

Jess: alright, alright! but you can't tell him please!? I love are friendship at the moment! and that will just wreck it!

Mark: ha I knew it! Yeah sure, you'd look cute together though!

Jess: don't tease me! aha thanks.


The bus stopped and we got off. I was staying round marks tonight. it's FRIDAY whoooo!!

Mark: dan look at this new riff I wrote!

Danny: play away!

He played the riff over 3 times. we both love music, mark plays guitar, while I can play play, keyboard, guitar and sing. But when you have 5 siblings you don't play for joy, well you do, but mainly to get noticed. I take after being musical from my dad, my dad is my inspiration for everything! I want to make him proud!

Mark: what ya think?

Danny: I love it!

Mark: really?

Danny: yeah, got a really nice beat!

We played call of duty ghosts for a bit,

Mark: Danny do you ever think about back in Ireland?

This question took me by surprise, there is a reason we left, we don't normally talk about it. Although me and mark left Ireland for different reasons, we can understand each others pain...

Danny: all the time! you?

Mark: same! I miss our old school, home and town!

Danny: same, but that's not all I miss!

Mark: I'm sorry man!

Danny: ah it's alright, I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing...

After remembering our time in Ireland we played on ps3.

Mark: so you know jess?

Danny: yeah?

Mark: do you still fancy her?

Danny: not anymore!

Mark: not even alittle?

Danny: no, I love are friendship but I don't fancy her anymore....


Me and holly were painting each other's nails and just being girly.

Jess: you know what?

Holly: go on...

Jess: I'm fed up of Milly nearly telling Danny and shit, cause I know that if she tells him she will twist it and shit! so I'm going to be straight with him and tell him!

Holly: woah you sure?!

Jess: yes! it's better than Milly twisting it!

****thanks for all the support so far!! I'll update soon:D please comment, vote and fan:)xx****

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