Chapter 40 - touch and go

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*2 months later*


So me and Cameron are still dating. *smile* we went out on Saturday and he officially asked me to be his girlfriends!! I'm so happy!

I haven't told anyone yet though. It's kinda my own little secrete that I can enjoy.

I turn the corner and see dan on the edge of the field. Irma walks up and they kiss. I haven't seen mark and Danny for a while I think they had been on holiday or something.

I see George and Clair. Clair seems to be laughing and telling George to do something? who knows. I smile at them and he starts to walk towards me. He gets close and before I can do anything he kisses me! WHAT THE FUCK!

Before I have ANY time to react he is pulled of me. I look and see George on the ground and Danny punching the fuck put of him! shit.


he just kept punching and punching him. I tried to pull him off but he elbowed me in the mouth- I don't think he meant to.


This stopped him. I think he was quite shocked I remembered let alone used his full name. I pulled him off.

Jess: what the fuck!!

Danny: he's not good for you!

George: charming

Jess: why? why make the comment?

Jess: for starters IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! fuck sake Danny get that into your fucking brain! and I'm NOT for the 100th time DATING HIM!!!

Danny: why the fuck did he kiss you then?!

Jess: well maybe if you hadent of started beating the shit out of him I could have asked!!

Danny: well

Jess: what's your problem! you had your chance! you blew it! you hurt more than anything! you wreaked it and have gone, you can't do that but come back as and when you like trying to make it better! it doesn't work like that! you can't care one minute and not the next!




Jess: I've moved on, so have you. Forget us, forget the feeling you have to protect me, look out for me, watch over me!!

Danny: you've moved on? *hurt*

Jess: yes, that's what happens when you brake up! you get up move on and learn to love again!

Danny: with who?

Jess: it's non of your business... But his name is Cameron... I've said this time after time. We can't talk. Danny you have crossed a fucking line! you can't hit anyone who comes near me! if you think you can you have serious problems! stay away from me danny! I mean it!

I help George up and walked him to a free class room. He sat on the table and I found the first aid kit.

Jess: I'm so sorry

George: don't be sorry it's my fault for kissing you

Jess: yeah back to that why?

George: Clair dared me... said it would be funny or something dunno... I don't find this funny.

Jess: was it really worth it? getting punched repetitively for nothing?

George: no! anyways cameron? ooo

Jess: shut up!

George: how long?

Jess: 2 months

George: and we didn't know!!??!

Jess: nope, he WAS MY little secrete...

George: awh sorry...

Jess: yeah well, your gunna be sore for a bit!

We laugh and make our way to lesson. Danny really has stepped over a line! I can't believe him.

The rest of the day went slow. I met George and Clair outside. George seemed a bit of colour?

Jess: you ok?

George: yep

We started to walk. Everyone had gone by now. The collage was quite peaceful. George seemed to wobble before falling to the ground.

I caught his head. Got them reflexes haha.

Jess: george can you hear me?

Nothing. Clair called an ambulance and they were soon here. They seemed panicked and it want long before he was rushed into hospital and has hundreds apron hundreds of wires coming out of him.

I couldn't watch as they checked him over. I feel bad. Me and Clair sat outside on the hard chair. People have to sit on these chairs for hours, you think they could get some more comfier ones! the clocked slowly ticked by. Nurse- doctors went in and out of his room. The only person in there was his mum.

The doctor came out.

Doctor: Jess and clair?

Jess: yea?

Doctor: his mum has given permission for me to tell you George's condition. I'm afraid it's touch and go. The head injuries George with stained earlier today have caused a bleed on the brain. We come across bleeds like this a lot and they are normally simple to sort. However his is in a very complex place. We have a extra special trained surgeon coming in and we will keep you updated...

He walked off and all I could do is cry.

Once I had sorted myself put I opened Facebook

New status: I hope your happy! he could die now! you sicken me! :'( x

I closed my phone and rested my head of Clair. I'm drained.

******oooo so Jess is pretty annoyed with danny! sorry for all the bad language but it shows more anger :/ THANK YOU FOR ALL THE AMAZING COMMENTS THEY MEAN SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! please keep voting, commenting and fanning:D xx*******

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