CHAPTER 50 - A lot changes...

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The sound of one direction filled the room and racked my hungover brain! I hunted for my phone. I swiped the screen and the irritating noise stopped.

Danny: I hate the day that you made that my alarm!

Irma: you love it really!

I moan and face flop onto the pillow I hear her giggle before getting up. Why haven't I changed the alarm- it makes her happy!

I bet your confused about why Irma is here? what's happened? well 5 years is what has happened! and a long 5 years! so the script took off and are now a huge worldwide selling and touring band. We are about to bring our our 3rd album! Irma returned about 4 years ago and we have been dating about 3 / 3,1/2 years. She has a daughter, step daddy danny! she isn't mine, Irma met a guy but he passed away. We bumped into eachother in Dublin and yeah got back together.

I guess I better get up! today is gunna be busy! I have a meeting with some TV producers about a new TV talent show they want me too be a judge! then studio time for a few hours. Then there a reunion thing for collage and high school. It's both because the collage was apart of the school and most kids from the school went there, apart from those who wanted to go to collages that specialise in certain things.

I jump in the shower, the only reason I want to go to this reunion is so I can be like I MADE IT!!! Bad reason I know. Everyone I want to know from school I know! Don't need to see them again! But Irma wants to go too, so we are. I wash and get out. I find a pair of skinny black jeans, grey tshirt and black casual waist coat. My normal look now. I walk down stairs and Irma is making breakfast for nikoleta. I smile and help her. Dippy eggs. I clear up awhile Irma gets ready. I have to be at the meeting in 1 1/2 hours, then straight to this reunion.

London morning traffic so I go 20 minutes early. I say goodbye to them both and get into my car. Nothing fancy. I drive through the morning London traffic, bad part about living in London is that it SO BUSY! but you get used to it.

With a few minutes to spare I pull up to the BBC television producing centre, I get out and walk in. A nice lady at a desk sits typing away.

Danny: hi, um, I'm here to see someone about the new show the voice?

Lady: um yes, you must be Danny?

Danny: sure am!

Lady: ok, we'll you'll need this, and can you sign in here please?

Danny: sure

She handed me a folder booklet thing, I don't know, to posh for me! And a visitor badge. I sign in and smile at her. She has bright red slightly curled hair and is wearing a sleek black suit with Poka dot shirt. She looks nice. Mm not my type though. I follow her to a meeting room and are told to sit down and someone will be along soon. I thank her and sit.

We are in the 10th floor and the view is incredible. The room I quite empty, just a big glass table with black leather chairs round it. The walls are all plain white but one is just glass and has a view that is beautiful!

I'm admiring the view when a voice pulls me out of my trance.

Voice: it amazing isn't it?

Danny: oh sorry, yeah, beautiful!

Voice: please sit, sit, my names Danny Cohen...

Danny: hi Danny, we'll I'm Danny too...

****A/N I'll keep Danny as Danny when talk but Danny Cohen will be DC :) thanks ****

DC: yes, right, as you know we would love you to become a judge on the new BBC 1 telnet show The Voice.

Danny: yes

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