chapter 54 - partaaaa

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me, cam, dan, irma, will and tom are all going out to partaaaa!! im so excited i havent been out properly in ages! and it will be a great chance for everyone to get to know each other better. im currently getting ready. i put a plain black body con dress on that stops just below my bum, it has sparkles and spikes on the shoulders and go down the arms and train around a open back. its nice. i put a pair od black matching heels, gold hoop earings and have nude lips. i finish my hair in a bob and grab my glittery clutch. 

me and cam walk out hand in hand to a pre booked cab. Tom and Will were already in. i introduced cam to them and we set of to danny's. 

will: may i say your looking very dope this evening jessie!

i blush.

jess: thanks will, not looking bad yourself! 



jess: oh! tom?!

tom: yes jessie?

jess: i was wondering if i could give you a nickname?

tom: mm i gues...

jess: how about... tommio?

he laughed.

tom: ok.

i smiled in victory and we pulled up to danny's place? i guess his. soon danny and irma joined us. she made me feel fat and ugly. but i bet she does to everyone, not often you get to sit in a car with a super model. danny im not gunna lie looked good, his hair was annoying me though. the quiff was there but it didnt look right, i dot like it, i just want to get up and ruffle it, making it more messy but neat at the same time. what am i on about? who knows! 

we pull up outside a club with a huge cue. we get out and cameras flash us. its hard to see but i keep a tight grip on cam's hand. we push our way through and give our names to the gard on the door and he lets us through. we had a private booth reserved and there was champange waiting. there was a card that i read out.

card: have a great night, bubbly is on us, enjoy! DC

we pour a glass each and toast. 


we laugh and down out glasses. not how champange is ment to be drunnk but who cares!!

i went to the bar and got us all two shots each. tonight is going to be amazing! i take them back and we down them. the chemical burn down my throat and make me feel alive. the bass of a song kicks on and i pull cam on to the dance floor. 

soon they all join us and me and cam dance together me grinding on him and his hands on my waist. we all laugh and dance wild! it feels so good to be out and free. not caring about bumping into fans or paps. just to let my hair down and have fun with my friends.

i take a breather and go get a drink. i get a jack daniels and coke and go sit in the booth. i see danny kissing irma upagainst a wall. a spike of jealousy rushes through me. i dont know whats up. just this whole jealousy feeling rushes through my veins as i watch his hands tangle in her hair and her hands slip with his bum. 

i want to cry. i dont know why. i shouldnt feel like this. me and danny was ages ago, years. im with cam. i love cam. not danny. but then why when i see them like that do i just want to scream? i get up and stagger to the bathroom. i look in the mirror and hold back the tears. 

i dont want to fall for danny. i dont want to wreak what ive got now. what am i thinking?! being stupid! its probably just the drink. i sigh and fix my make up before joing them back out on the dance floor. i grab cam and pull him over to a coner and start to kiss him deeply as we drink into the early hours. my mind is confused but all i know is i love cam. 

jess: lets go somewher more private... *whisper*

i grab my jacket and bag and say goodbye to tommio and will. i couldnt see dan or irma anywhere. probably in some tolile cubical. i dont want to think about that. ive got more class than that. i grab cams hand and pull him out the club almost falling out. 

bets there are drunk photos of me in the newspapers tomorrow. never mind. cam pins me to a wall as soon as we get home and the night gets very heated. very quickly.


i couldnt see jessie anywhere in the club. oh wait. she is over in a corner with cam? i hate it, it makes me feel sick. i want to be the one kissing her. holding her tight. taking her home. danny! irma seems to be being all nice tonight, i dont know wether its because we are out or what. but we arent getting closer... further away if anything. 

she grabbed and pinned me to a wall ealier, but the kiss wasnt how it used to be. it was empty and meaningless. i dont know where i conection has gone. she goes to the tolilets, but i know when she gets back she will want to leave to go and have sex. and i dont want to. it means nothing now. meaningless. 

i decided to go outside and get some air. i walk round the corner and find a bench. me and irma? thats not what i want anymore. im not sure if its what i even wanted, maybe more of a rebound off jess. she is beautiful dont get me wrong, she is lovely just i dont feel a connection anymore. i dont know. maybe she does still love me. who knows. im to drunk to make any finally decisions. i sigh and text irma that im going home and hail a black cab. 

i get home and find a beer, i take it out on to the balcony, i could die for a fag now. its worst when ive had a drink. i gave up a year ago. why? who knows. irma wanted me too. but she wants a lot of things. 

i sigh and stare at the stars and try and figgure out the mess thats my love life...

*****sorry i havent updates :/ ive been struggling to put what i want into words? understand? probably not haha. sorryyyy. please suggest some ideas too add before i get into the whole drama:))) please comment, vote and fan:D xx*****

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