chapter 61 - closing the gap

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i was making tea and a coffee for jess, i was humming 'dean man walking',

jess: i hear the angels talking talking talking, now im a dead man walking...

i nearly jump out my skin as i turn round and see jess leaning on the door frame slightly giggling.

danny: you scared the shit out of me!

she just laughed

danny: you know my song?

jess: you tend to hum that alot so i check your stuff out... its good... slightly depressing but sweet...

i laughed and placed the cups on the table.

jess: hang, read for this.... she laid up in bed with a broken hert, while im drinking jack alone in my local bar, and we dont know how we go into this mad situaltion, only doing things out of frustration...

i smile,

danny: sounding good miss cornish especially at 10 in the morning...

she laughs.

danny: my go... im feeling sexy and free like glitter is raining on me, your like a shot of pure gold, i think im about to explode...

she laughs at my attempt, it was funny! i done it jokingly way mimicking her voice...

danny: thanks!

jess: sorry

we both laugh

jess: ugh, house hunting.... long time since ive done that!

she laughs.

danny: your more than welcome to stay as long as you want!

jess: thanks, but im sure when irma gets back from her mystery travels *smirk* she wont be happy...

danny: nahh, its ok, her bark is worse than her bite... she'll just be a bit moddy for abit...

i smiles and looks down trying to supress her giggles.

danny: how about then, we both get ready and ill come help you find a house?

jess: one, dont we have the voice today? and two you'd do that for me?

danny: one, dont you listen in briefing?! no we dont *laugh* cant over work our teams, and two of course! your a mate and can have these estate agents ripping you off can we!

we both giggle and drink up. jess scrolls through her phone booking viewings on house then we get ready and go out. it feels so good to have jess back, she is just how i remember her, just perfect. i want her to be my girlfriend but i know i cant have her and i wont push that.

we meet up with the estate agent that is going to be showing us round places... the first place is very Victorian looking, big bay windows and steps leading up. we go inside and its all renovated too a very modern!

me and jess wonder about, its really nice! big open plan kitchen diner, big lounge, two bath rooms, a study and two big double bed rooms.

estate agent: so you two a couple?

before i could answer jess put her arm round me and squeezed me,

jess: yeah *smile*

my arm goes round her, its feels right, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. her perfume fills my nose and body tingles under her touch. but im still so confused?

estate agent: awh, well you look very good together-

as soon as he turned a round jess let go, as if she just couldnt touch me. my body almost sank, i look confused at her.

jess: later...

i just follow her round a bit longer, listening to the details of the place.


wow. when i hugged danny i felt this spark? i dont know what you'd call it, but it felt so good, his arm on my waist, protectively. he warm body that smelt so good, rocking mine. he looked almost hurt when i let go.

once we were finished at the first place we followed the estate agent in my car to the next, and the next and the next.

jess: sorry about earlier, just that landlords and estate agents tend to prefer couples and families...

danny: thats really dangerous, what if it gets out! you may not have a relationship to screw up but i do!

jess: sorry!

danny: haha its ok, to be honest it will be a easy way out of this dead end relationship...

i smile,

we look round loads of places before going back to dannys, now i have to make a decision. i loved the first place we went to, i can just see myself living there.

Both me and dan are on our phones in the lounge. He is on twitter I'm just scrolling through he is replying to fans and just tweeting. My turn-

Tweet: @JessieJ: thank you so much @TheScript_Danny for helping me, being there and making this whole thing so much easier!! 💚 #ThankYou #FriendsOnceMore

I send it and watch him. He smiles and starts typing again. I scroll through my feed and find his reply.

@TheScript_Danny: so glad to have my old dear friend @JessieJ back;) Don't worry time will get easier! and we are all here to support you! and if times get tough always remember you have the best Irish guy as a friend!;) 🍀💚 #FriendsAgain

I smile and retweet and favourite it.

Danny: so what house you thinking about?

I look up and smile

Jess: I think the first one...

Danny: I agree! fancy some sort of takeaway for dinner?

I nod and he gets up to get some menus. I turn the TV on, he soon comes back and we order an Indian.

News: in further news pop sensation Jessie J and Irish front man of the script Danny o'donoghue were seen house seeking today. Before going back to the popular Irish mans house. Is there a new hot couple? what we want to know is where is jessie's bar owner boyfriend- Cameron Walker and Danny's international model Irma Mali?

I stare at the screen. For fuck sake!

jess: d-danny im so so sorry!

danny: what? non of this is your fault!

jess: it is, irma is going to see this and then your going to get shit and and and

i started to panic and couldnt breath, my chest tightend and everything was going fuzzy,

danny: JESSIE!

i turn to the side and danny is holding my hand looking at breathing slowly calmed, i slowly moved closer to him, so my soft warm breath bounced of him and hit me again. he seemed to tense his eyes followed my flicking between lips and eyes. his gorgeous hazel nut eyes, i get lost everytime i look at them. we hover for what seems hours but in reality its only about a few second, before he

closes the gap....

***oo so a janny kiss:O what is irma going to make of the new report?! and what is the next move for the destine to be janny couple? please comment, vote, fan:Dxx***

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