Chapter 47 - not asking. Telling.

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Today I have some promo for the new album. I can't believe it. I've gone from being in collage to being in a studio planning tours and planning to release an album. It's insane!

We recently released our first debut single the other day and it went straight to number one! the feeling is so hard to explain. Like being noticed for something you have dreamed about since a kid. We went out and celebrated. It was great.

Today we are being interviewed for a magazine. Me and mark now share a flat in London together. I'm getting dressed. I put a pair of skinny black jeans on, baggy top and converse. Casual.

Once we were both ready a car pulled up and we got in. Glen was already inside.

Glen: so nervous!

Mark: same!

Danny: just be... cool?

We all bust out laughing. I don't know. I love out band we are just so great together.

We soon pull up to a studio and are taken in. We are set up checked and all sat on a couch. It soon began I'm so excited!!

Interviewer: hi the script!

Danny: hi

Mark: hi

Glen: hey

Interviewer: so wow quite a past few months hu? going from collage to having a number one single- congratulations by the way

Danny: thanks

Interviewer: so how was it like?

Glen: mmm just pure amazing!

Mark: yeah

Danny: it's like all your hard work pays off!

Mark: it's amazing to know that people are buying and becoming fans of our passion!

Interviewer: you mentioned your fans. I know you've only been about a few weeks but your fan base is growing fast! sales for your debut single 'we cry' were off the chart for a debut single!

Danny: yeah, like mark said it's just wonderful to know people are willing to pay and support you in doing something you just love!

Interviewer: so new single? Album?

Mark: yep! the new single will be out soon, we are shooting the video soon then the album!

Interviewer: exciting stuff! Your videos your very much apart of then am I right?

Glen: yeah, we think that it's our video we want to get across how we feel about the song. And pretty boy Danny here gets the main bits...

I faked a pose for the camera and we all laugh. The interview continued and we just became us more and more. It was so much fun!

I love this job!!


I've decided to go to America. Me and cam had a big chat about it and it's just such a big opportunity for me too miss!

I'm currently packing all my things. Anything I don't want to take is going to my parents to be stored.

I sigh as I place things in to either boxes to take or to leave.

Cam: babe, I love you you much to say goodbye... but this is too much of an opportunity to miss... so I'm going to come with you!

Jess: but babe... everything's is here for you! your family friends! a life!

Cam: but non of that's you!

Jess: your so sweet you know that! But I can't let you give your life up here to come with me...

Cam: yeah, I think your missing the point. I wasn't asking. I was telling you I'm coming.

I just stared at him. He can't be serious!

Jess: what?

Cam: I spoke to the guy at Sony he said they can fix me up with a bar job and yeah it's all sorted!

Jess: you are gorgeously brilliant.

Cam: come on dinner than we can pack. yeah?

I smiled and he helped me up. We walked into the kitchen were he had made chicken curry.

Jess: you know what, I was worried about leaving. Not having anyone. And everything. But now knowing your coming. I'm so excited!

Cam: same. I love you

Jess: I love you more

Cam: can't.

Once we had finished dinner we continued to pack. I- we leave in 2 days. Everything is going to fast. Just got to keep my head up and go along!

****sorry it's short :/ I have an idea but in not sure whether to included it or not :/ inbox? need help haha or if you have any suggestions please comment or inbox me them :) thanks xx****

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