Chapter 54 - but why?!

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Danny sent me a link to one of his songs 'the man who can't be moved' and said that he would be there for one hour?

Jess: cam?

Cam: yeah babe?

Jess: I'm just popping out to see holly, back soon...

Cam: ok bye

I grabbed my keys, phone and bag before getting into my car. I don't know where I met him. Think Jess. Does her mean the coffee shop curb?! no? it's worth a try.

I start the car and set off on a long drive to Essex. I pull up to the coffee shop. It's quite empty. I park, find my beanie and glasses before getting out and walking in.

I scan the room and see Danny staring at his hands. I walk over and sit opposite him. There is a drink already there. He knows me well, or just remembers. A hot chocolate with cream not milk. I smile and he looks up.

Jess: hi?

Danny: *sigh* hi

Jess: what's wrong?

Danny: nothing, well lots but, I need to talk to you- like properly privately. So next Thursday Irma is working away, well she is all next week, but I thought after filming you could come over, for dinner and we can chat?

Jess: um? I guess?

Danny: thanks

Jess: danny? what's this about?

Danny: you'll see... anyways come with me...

I picked up my take away drink- I didn't wonder why it was take away- and followed him. We both had beanies and glasses on. We walked and little while until we came to the woods.

Jess: your not going to murder or rape me are you?

He laughed

Danny: no

We kept going. I kicked thw leaves that lay on the floor. i didnt know where danny was going, but i relt i recconised it. after a while we came to a clearing.

jess: why we here?

danny: you dont remeber?

jess: should i?

danny: probably not, it was a long time ago... year 7... we all came here and dug that hole-

jess: and put our stuff in it!

danny: yeah... well i thought we could dig it up again? you know see whats there? memories?

is he on something? got some strange plan?

jess: sure...

he knelt down as if her knew where it was... and started to dig. hands? really? haha. i smiled and joined in. he was right and soon enough we came to a box that was rotting away full of stuff. we laugh and pull it out. i feel like im back a year 7. we unfold the flaps and pull out the bits and bobs. holly's dancy shoes. marks pick. danny pulled out a picture of us all. it was a non uniform day and we had, had a water fight. we all looked like drowned rats, but all laughing.

i find my thing. a phone case... it has a a loads of pictures of us printed on. danny found his, a picture of him and his dad?

jess: you never spoke about him?

he look away, and seemed to hold the frame tight.

danny: no

i could the lump in his throat.

jess: hey? its ok, why not?

danny: *sigh* its too painful...

i stayed silent, im not going to push anything.

danny: he wanted to see me. but i didnt want to face it, i thought that if ignored the idea of it, it may not be real? stupid i know-

jess: not really, we all do it...

danny: the one day i went, he told me he was proud and that i should as way stick at music because i had a talent. and that i should blame myself for anything that happens if he goes. to remember he will always watch over me... but i do! i should have been there! helped him get better!

he got up kicking the ground. i watched with tears in my eyes.

jess: *swallow* you, you hide that this whole time?



jess: you shouldnt bottle it up... im sorry... what happned?

danny: he got ill some sorta stomach thing... died valentines day...

jess: v- valentines day? oh god, danny... *soft*

i got up and pulled him in for a hug. he refused at first but soon gave in.

jess: the rose... tattoo... for him?

he nodded, i could tell he was holding back the tears...

jess: you can cry... ha its fine... i wont judge...

i felt him smile. i wanted to cry, i couldnt imagine loosing my dad, and so young.we stay there for a little longer before we separate. the thick atmosphere that once was obvious has settled and seemed to go. i felt more confortable around him...

we collected the things and walked back. we smiled and said goodbye before going our own ways. to be honest i missed our old, old friendship. i miss life back then. simple and easy.


i miss my da so much. i drive home, quite away. seeing jess helped, i felt like we could move on. be friends. i wanted more but ive learnt when not to push it.

i get home and go straight to bed, its about 9pm. im knackered. i text irma saying goodnight and go to sleep.

i want them both. i love irma i really do, but jessie, she is different, fiesty alive powerful, gorgeous and what i want, back cant have. why. i dont know what im gunna do, just gunna sleep on it for now...

****sorry its late, sorry its shit, just kinda a filler chaper... :/ ALSO!!


And new album sounds AMAZING!! AND SUPERHEROES SOUND SO GOOD! NEED AUGUST 31st and September 9th to come now!!!!!!😁😁😁👌

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