chapter 101 - next step

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Im going home today! Going to go see my mammy and siblings. I can't wait! When my granddad past away and I finished school my mum moved back to Ireland and so did most of my siblings. I miss them so much!

Of course jess is coming with me.

Danny: babe!

I look about for her, and she is in the bath room, I can hear the bath running. I go to open the door but it's locked.

Danny: jess? Babe?




Danny: jess? Open the door babe...

I heard sniffles from the other side of the door.

Danny: baby, whats wrong? Please don't cry, talk to me...




Danny: please gorgeous?

Finally the door opened and she sat on the toilet seat, head down and sniffling. I crouched in front of her and held her hands in mine.

Danny: babe? Whats wrong?

I ask softly

Jess: i-im scared d-anny...

Danny: what? Why?

Jess: im scared that your mum won't like me, that she will have seen what the papers have said or think im a bitch from all them years ago... im scared that because you're a mummy's boy that if she doesn't like me you leave me...

Danny: what? Babe, my mum and everyone does and will love you! And nothing is gonna split us up... ever... we made it through seeing your parents and im sure they didn't like me before and this is just another step of our journey...

Her sniffled soon stopped.

Danny: come on, have a bath and let's go yeah?

She nodded and I went to leave.

Jess: stay?

Danny: don't you want your privacy?

Jess: im sure you've seen me naked before... and I want to talk to you more...

I smile and sit where she had just moved from. She got undressed and got into the warm bubble bath. She washes the water over her legs and body and we talk about everything. The voice. Her family. Mine. It's nice.

Jessie: sisters? What are they like?

Danny: 3, Mandy, Vicki and Andrea. They are nice- you'll get on with them. Mandy is the motherly type, Andrea loves to be out with horses and outside and Vicki is a tom boy loves to come out with the lads...

Jess: im so nervous to meet them but I love the sound of Jess: im so nervous to meet them but I love the sound of our family. They all sound close and loving...

I smile.

Danny: come on, that bath must be cold now....

I helped her out and she wrapped her towel round her and walked out while towel drying her hair. She brushed her hair through and scrapped it all into a hair pony tail. She applied some foundation, eye stuff and some gloss to her lips. She has grown her fringe out now so that means getting ready is quicker due to the fact she doesn't have to dry and curl it.

She pulls a pair of disco pants on and a baggy pug top on. She puts her big green parker on and turns to face me.

Danny: ready?

I beam. She nods and we grab our suit cases, bags and tickets before leaving. We crabbed a cab to the airport. Jess couldn't sit still, she was panicking for sure. She shouldn't though because my family will adore her. Like I do.


Im so nervous about meeting Danny's family. Danny is like me a very family orientated person. So im scared that if even one of them doesn't like me he will leave me. I can't cope with loosing Danny again.

We arrive at the airport and the usual paps that spend their lives waiting to catch a celebrity wake up and crowd me and Danny.

Pap: are you and Danny an item Jessie?

Pap: are you going away together?

Pap: how's the voice going?

And many more. Me and Dan stopped in the door way and posed for photos.

Jess: me and Danny aren't together, just getting the same flight back to London for a bit... bye Manchester!

I smile and turn to walk off.

Danny: good one...

I smile and we check in. we waited about for around half an hour before being called to board. I took a picture out of the window and posted it.


Off to meet my man's parents and family... scared! Any tips anyone? :// #heartbeatsadvice #myman #meetingtheparents #bigstep

I relax a bit until the safety brief is done and then my nerves of all sorts kick in. I hate flying and Danny knows this. He grabs my hand and I squeeze it tight as we pull off. It's only about an hour and a half flight.

We land and grab our bags before going and meeting one of Danny's brothers outside.

Danny: Ian!

Ian: ahh Danny! Long-time no see! And you must be jessie- long-time no see also...

I nervously laughed a bit

Jess: yeah, nice to meet you- again...

Ian: Danny hasn't shut up about you... to me anyway... the others don't know you're coming yet!

Jess: oh, all good I hope...

Danny: I couldn't say a bad thing!

We put our bags in the boot and got into the car. Ian seemed nice. I kind of remember them from before but not a lot it was 11 nearly 12 years ago. After about 20 minutes in the car we pull up at a cottage, it was beautiful. Flowers of all colours growing- it looked like something from a fairytale!

We got out bags and I let out a big breath I didn't know I was holding as we walked up the little cobble path... shit.

**** Awh meeting the parents- but will they like Jessie or not? I've been stuck for ideas for a few filler chapters but while writing this one vie had a few idea so stay with me:) please comment, vote and fan:Dxx xx****

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