Chapter 69 - dont make me regret it

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Paramedic: jessie we are going to have to take you for x-rays...

I was bit my lip and trembling in pain.i just nod and are wheeled out to an ambulance.

They give me morphine and gas and soon I couldn't feel anything. My phone buzzed.

Text: sorry jessie, for eveything, please can we be friends? I understand if not... Danny x

Reply: well I am going to be lonely at the hospital? ;) I'm sorry for snapping earlier! jessie x

Text: meet you there ;) Dan x

I smile and feel slightly high from the gas.

Jess: do you get to ride around in this all day?

Paramedic: *laugh* yeah, that gas kicking in?

Jess: yeah, could do with this at home... take the edge off...

She laughs and we chat a bit longer. I've never felt so good, this gas has gone straight to my head. I found out her name is Ruth

Jess: so this guy, I used to date but he was a dick and now he has a girl friend but keeps trying to get on with me... understand?

Ruth: yeah... sounds hard...

Jess: I think I still love him, but it's complicated...

Ruth: sounds it... I think you've had enough gas now...

Jess: no no, I like it!

She laughs and we soon arrive. And I'm whisked into a room. Before off for X-rays and scans. The gas starts to wear off and the pain soon returns. I'm taken back to a room.

I sit clenching my fists and try and block out the pain. The door opens and a shy looking danny appeared. i yawn as he stands in the door way, 

jess: leave or come in...

i smile and he soon relaxes- just a little. there was a long silence, it wasnt awkward but it wasnt nice, ive never felt like this with him. it normally so easy and free flowing but now there is a... tension? he finally breaks the silence

danny: jessie look- i, i dont know what to say, thats not me- last night, i-i *sight* im sorry...

jess: wow, danny o'donoghue lost for words! doesnt happen alot!

he sorta smiled.

jess: but you dont need to say anything- not sorry- nothing with us- nothing about friends... danny we have worked together for nearly 6 months now, which it doesnt seem that long, but it has been- we have known each other years... and i thought about everything in every angle. us as friends or a couple or even not knowing eachother probably, is never going to be straight forward. this may seem stupid but we have this connection but neither of us have figured out how to controll it yet, which is why we go round in and round in circles! because neither of us know what ir is or how to controll it but you know what it makes it interesting, and yeah some days i may go home and cry and feel like shit because my heart is being pulled so much but others im so happy and i cant wipe the smile of my face. we just have one twisted story...

he was quiet for a bit almost thinking.

danny: i-i dont want to- or even think about having to let you go, or leaving you- us not being around eachother hurts... and i mean even as friends, jessie you read me better than anyone, i cant lie with you and its like im transparent with you... please can we be friends, and i know im never going to be able not to have feelings for you jessie but ill push them aside if it means i wont loose you...

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now