chapter 18 - what have i done!

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*warning some may find bits of this distressing content. sorry if you di find this distressing. pop up though if you wanna chat :(:) *

i literally ran out of school, to the sound of our new principle shout me too come back. i just got to the bus stop as the bus was leaving and told him to hurry, it was an emergancy. the bus was pretty empty. it took about 15 minutes to get to the closest bus stop and i ran a quick as i could. i felt l;ike i was in a movie, but this isnt a movie, this is really. 

i got to jess's house and knocked on the door, i bent over to catch my breathe. a worried looking mrs cornish opened the door. 

mrs cornish: oh holly, thank you so much! im really sorry to pull you out of school but im really worried!

holly: mrs cornish its ok, whats happened exsactly?

mrs cornish: holly we have been over this loads, please call me rose, ive known you since you were like born... come in come in!!

holly: sorry rose! 

i stepped in and took my shoes off and followed her into the kitchen. there house is lovely, always perfectly clean. 

rose: sit, sit...

i smiled and sat down.

rose: drink? juice? tea? coffee? 

holly: can i have water please?

she got me a water and sta down opposite me.

holly: wheres jess? is she ok?

rose: thats why i called. i know you and jess have fallen out, but i didnt know who else to call... 

holly: its fine, im glad you called, i think me and jess need to talk and i came cause you sounded really worried?

rose: yes, i havent seen jess in about 3/4 days... she has locked herself in her room, wont answer anyone, hasnt eatten. im so worried. what if she has done something stupid?

holly: oh my god! um i dont think she would do that... 

rose: when you and her fell out a few weeks ago, she changed. i know she has been down and something has been bothering her for a while but since that she has seemed so depressed and upset...

holly: im so so so sorry rose! i dont know what to say!

rose: just please help me get her back! help me get my baby back!

she broke down in tears. i jumped up and hugged her, rose had always been like my second mum. 

holly: oh rose... wiat here ill see what i can do... 

i hugged her tight before, walking lightly up stairs. i found jess's door and knocked lightly, no answer.

holly: jess? its holly... we need to talk... im sorry! please let me in.

nothing. not. a. sound. 

holly: look jess. you are worring your mum and probably the rest of you family, insane. your worrying me now. your mum thinks you've killed yourself... just let me know your ok....

i bent down and looked through the key hole. i dont really know why she has a key hole. it was there when they moved in. i couldnt see through, which made me think, the key must still be in there. think holly, think! i got it! i ran down stairs. i grabbed a spoon from the kitchen, rose had moved to the conseratory, she was looking at some photos, still crying. i ran back to the stairs and pick on of the magazines of the stairs and ran back to jess's room. time to test the movies out. 

i i ripped a double page out of the magazing and slid it under the door. i then grabbed the soon and pushed the handdle through the lock. i pushed and twisted it about. i heard the key drop. 

holly: yes! (whisper)

i slid it out and quickly unlocked the door. nothing could have prepared me for what i saw next. 

i ran over to jess, who was sat up on her bed. she was staring straight ahead at nothing. she was wearing a strap top and short pj shorts, which were covered in blood. her arm, legs, neck, everywhere covered in cuts. she was thin, like, thin thin. and a pale grey sorta colour. her eyes were blood shot, she looked like she has been crying, but like for years. i sta on the bed, covered in blood and moved a peice of hair from her face behind her ear. 

holly: j-j-jess? 

tears filled in my eyes.

i looked down at her hand, i unfolded them. her hands were cut. she was still holding the blade. i took it away and chucked it on the floor. 

holly: j-jess c-can you hear me?

she hadnt moved, flinched or anything. i ran to the stair, tears rolling down my cheeks. even if we fall out, she is still like a sister to me. i love her!

holly: ROSE! ROSE!

she came running to the bottom of the stairs. 

rose: what is it holly: oh god! no!

holly: call an ambulance! now! hurry!

i ran back. i checked her pulse it was there but so faint! it took about 10 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. me and rose were both in tears, i was trying to hold her back. they strapped jess up and took her to the ambulance. 

rose: i-i-i-i need to g-go get h-hanna and r-rachel!

holly: you sure! c-cant you c-call them?

rose: n-no ill meet you there...

i got in the ambulance and rose got in her car. i was holding jess's hand. lightly in fear i would snap it in half... what have i done?! this is all my fault!! if i hadn't of been such a bitch to her!! 

**sorry if that upset anyone...:( sorry its not amazing but i dont feel very well... please comment thoughts, what you think will happen, vote and fan:D xx**

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