chapter 33 - new guy... time to move on...

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im off to collage today. ive been going for about a month now. cause the whole record lable has settled down and been sorted i have to start collage. bad point, im at dannys collage, good point so is clair! i havent seen much of danny, lets say he isnt happy with me. so we havent to say ended on the best of terms.

i dress in my usual jeans and top with leather jacket. i grabbed my art folder, and my other bits. i gave my mum and dad a quick kiss before i walked out and got the buss. it took about 45 minutes to get to collage. im doing art and music a levels. im happy, my music is going well, collage is good, im happy-ish being single and i have some of the most amazing friends!

talking of friends... i havent seen much of mark either, since all this. i know him and danny are ok now, holly told me. that was before they broke up. it had nothing to do with me and danny but something to do with them not getting on together, im not sure, holly ended it.

i arrive at collage, i wandder about and find clair. we walked about and laughed alot.

clair: oh i need to give a letter in, got next thursday off!

jess: why?

clair: little cousins christening...

jess: ahh

we got to the office and i waited while clair spoke about her letter.

mr stevens: oh jess, perfect!

jess: hi mr stevens!

mr stevens: this is George he is new here, and i was wondering if you could show him about and make sure he settles in? make sure he knows his way around?

jess: ur yeah sure...

mr stevens: thanks!

he walked off and left me with some random guy. um.

george: hi, sorry i dont mean to bother you, just im am HOPELESS with maps and instructions...

i giggles a bit.

jess: um no its fine, right ok, so whos form?

he checked his time table, he had stacks of paper, information you are given at the begining of the year. he finds that he is mine and clairs form, lucky, cause i cant be bothered to run about everywhere, lazy jess haha. we walk about a bit more, i introduced clair to george, they seem to get along.

we got to form, i dont know why we still have to have form but yay, it is mainly used for study and prep.

jess: mr austin this is george, george mr austin...

mr austin: hi welcome

george: hi thanks

we chatted and got to know him a bit more before it was time for art.which george wasnt in, so i shew him to block c room 8, i dont know what goes on over there cause i never have to go haha. But will i think it's where they Donald the computer science and ict. I said I'd meet him outside after. I then walked to aart we are designing are half way term course peice. if we dont pass this or it isnt up to the standard it needs to be, they have the power to drop you from the course, so its important!

We have to Do a surrealism, so my design is bold blood red lips with a beach scene inside. Then bold black and white stripes, the to finish a border made from black and white squares with a few random squares a colour. In my head it looks great, but whether it comes out like that, well thats a different matter. 

we worked on our work or 2 and 1/2 hours before the break bell went. we packed up and walked out. i met clair outside drama and walked to meet george. there he was, the one i have too look after, the only one in thw world who cant read a fucking map.

jess: hi

george: hi, um, where do you go when you have a free period?

clair: oh you can hang out with us if you want? we usually go over to the park?

george: thanks id like that...

we turned round and walked towards the gates. i gave clair a 'fucking really' look. she looked confused and i got my phone out. we walked down to the park. 

clair: so what are you into?

george: ur, well, i dont really give a shit about much... i like my xbox and electronics...

clair: cool i think...

i dont know why, i just have a surge of hate towards him... 


i flump onto the sofa and open my laptop. i open facebook and look at everyones pointless, shitty status updates. i look to see whos online, no one, well no one i like, the only person on is jess. i decided to ask her about her new 'boyfriends'.


danny: hi



jess: hi

danny: how are you?

jess: shit, you?

danny: im ok i guess, i miss you, are you shit like gunna end up in rehab shit or just shit?

jess: just shit... and dan dont so this! we dont work!

danny: i know, i just wish we could... so hows your new boyfriend?

jess: ???

danny: you know, new guy? 

jess: who george?!

danny: thats it! yeah

jess: eww! he's not my boyfriend! to be honest, hes not really a friend... im just lumped with him...

danny: awh well poor little jessie... -_-

jess: fuck off

danny: what?! anyways yeah there quiet a few rumours going round about you two...

jess: what?! ugh! he has only been here not even a week!!

danny: anyways, gtg, i still love you... :*

jess: danny! stop! dont make me feel worse! i dont need to end up where i was less than a year ago, so just shhh okay, i think its best we dont talk... sorry... x *jess offline*

*end of chat*

i miss her i really do. we had our down point- who am i kidding, we were always doomed, maybe it is time for me too move on. time to forget her....

***** sorry for not updating :( but im back on track now :) new guy george, thoughts? please comment, vote and fan:D xx******

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora