chapter 78 - is closure...

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why. why does everything happen? why did i cheat on jessie? why did we break up? why did irma cheat on me? why? why? why?

so that word 'why' is that has circled round my brain for the past 8 months. ive decided to stay on as a coach for another series. we have a meeting today about it, but its being moved up to manchester. which means living up there through filming and the whole series. 

i know will and tom are still judges but jessie im not sure about. she said at the end of last series she may not- likely not because she needs to focus on her next album. i havent spoken to jessie since that night. i keep wanting to text her but always delete it instead of sending it. sometimes i look at her number wanting to click it and call her but i dont. 

i miss her, i do. but if im honest im over it. over jessie. over irma. over myself. i went very down hill for a bit after irma, but mark and glen told me i needed to sort myself out for the sake of the band. so i did, i wrote a song about the break up of me and irma and moved on. 

it hurt to see she was ok, it hasnt even seemed to fase her, but now im not bothered. she has moved on and so have i. there is also a load of rumours that jessie has a new boyfriend. ive tried to ignore it and move on- so far its working. 

i lump my last suitcase into my my boot and lock my flat. yep got my own flat now. i get in my car and start the long drive to Manchester. 

___later on___

im sat at the bar, im the first here. its about 3pm.

danny: a Guinness please?

tom: red wine if your getting the round

i spin round and see STJ walking over,

danny: well, well SIr Tom Jones, long time no see

we laugh and give each other a 'man' hug. 

danny: a glass of house red too please...

we sat with our drinks catching up

STJ: oh danny im sorry about irma...

dann: dont be, she was a bitch... to be honest we should have broken up ages ago...

i gave him a smile and soon will turned up.

will: this is dope!! 

danny: hi will!

we chatted for a but, it was great to see the guys again!

STJ: so anyone know about jessie? is she returning? 

i look to the door as i hear clicking heels on the tiles.

danny: i guess she is

i nod and they both turn

will: JESSIE!! 

he jumps up and runs to see her. she laughs and gives him a hug. tom gets up and hugs her too. i just sit there. we make an awkward eye contact.

STJ: drink jessie?

jessie: no thanks tom, ive just flown back from L.A. and i promised holly id go out for dinner with her tonight... sorry guys, but tomorrow night we must have a catch up!

she runs off to he room. i make my excuses to go to, i need an early night. i decide to send a tweet first though

tweet: @TheScript_Danny: to be honest i actually enjoying single life! :)


so i decided to stay for another series. it was so good to see the guys again! well, its a bit awkward between me and danny, we kept making this awkward eye contact. the amount of time ive wanted to text him or tweet him or call him its unreal. i wanted to tell him how i actually feel but i couldnt, and to be honest ive focused on my music and getting over him. 

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now