chapter 26 - pizza hut

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i have nearly done all my time here, im gunna be sad but releaved when i leave. i have 2 months left, but its gunna be a hard 2 months, full of exams. i have done my music and art exam already. i have my 2 english, maths, 3 science, spanish and geography still to go. so its hard revision. which sucks. i have a tutor still come in 3 times a week, teaching me everything but its not the same as being at school. i never thought i would say this but i miss school...

there was a knock at the door soon followed by jenny poping in.

jenny: hey jess, hows revising going?

jess: sucks!

jenny: well i was wondering if you would like to come out for lunch with me, pizza hut maybe?

jess: like out of the centre?

jenny: yeah, well when you get to the end of your time, you are aloud a few trips out, to get settle back into normal life..

jess: i would love too!!

jenny: ok, well i have to fill a few forms out, so while i do that you get your stuff ready...

jess: ok

i smile and found my bad and coat. the longer i have been here, the more stuff i had brought here. holly would bring me new clothes every time she came, she is very thoughtful. i brushed my hair, it was getting long now. it was half way down my back now, i need it cut. holly said she would come with me the day before prom. prom. eugh. im still not sure, but everyone thinks im going now, holly has put my name down so i cant back out now.

jenny: ready?

jess: yep!

we walked out and got into jenny's black ford fiesta. it was nice and clean. i opened the window and let the warm summer breeze blow my face, i know it sounds stupid but it was amazing!

we were in the car about 20 minutes, listening to the radio. we got out and walked into pizza hut. the smell hit me, along with the loud of children laughing and parents chatting. it was overwhelming, to be around normal people again.

jenny: table for wo please?

waitress: sure, follow me

she showed us to a small table, we thanked her and sat down.

jenny: bit overwhelming?

jess: a little...

jenny: you'll soon get used to it...

we ordered pizza- meat feast to share and drinks. we chatted and had a great time. jenny was like a best mate, someone who i knew wouldnt judge me on anything i told her.

jenny: so this danny guy? mmm?

jess: eugh, dont even go there... (joke way)

jenny: that bad hu?

jess: part the reason i am here...

jenny: ooooh, sorry

jess: its ok, i need to learn to be able to talk about it and express myself

jenny: wow so you do remember something i said

we both laughed

jenny: so boyfriend? ex?

jess: complicated

jenny: shit, it is bad!

thats another thing i didnt mind about jenny, she swore and said it how it is, which just made you feel a bit more, i dont know, connected.

jess: well i liked him-

jenny: i can see why, hot-a

jess: haha yeah but this girl- milly

jenny: ooo yeah?

jess: was rying to tell him, and she would twist things and tell him bad stuff, ya'know... but it turns out that before i moved away from that school before that danny liked me, but i never knew, and apparently it was really hard for him to get over me... so when i said that i liked him, he kinda turned on me and we fell out- big time! he made nme feel like shit, and i thought i was doing a good thing telling him the truth , before milly told him shit, but it all back fired. theni fell out with holly and you know the rest...

jenny: awh hun, but the plus side, he came back...

jess: yeah, its not the same a sit used to be, i dont think it ever will be im glad we are friends again...

jenny: thats good...

we ate up.

jenny: oh i have something for you... and not another peice of metal, a letter? i dont know it came in the post for you a few day but ive been so busy i only got it today...

she handed me a letter, well envolope.

jenny: oh and the prom dress place called back, they said they will deliver it to hollys with her order...

jess: thats good!

jenny: you going to open it?

jess: no, no, ill wait...(smile)

the real reason i didnt want to open it was because i reconised the writing, my dads. i didnt want to get angry, upset ot anything while here, i will wait till we get back.

jenny: oh ok...

she gave me a warm smile.we continued to chat, and eat till it got late. we walked out and got back into her car. the letter still hard on my mind.

once we got back i thanked jenny and went to my room and opened the letter.

letter -

Hi Jess,

i miss you, the house isnt the same with out you here. im very sorry for what happened when we visited, its been hard on your mum- all of us. but i think your mum is understanding it now, and realizing you needed this. i think she is even on about a welcome home party. im trying to stop her, i know you wouldnt want a big fuss.

we redecorate you room by the way, witht he help of you friends. they came round and helped us as they know what you would like better than we do. :) i cant wait for you too come home. sorry i didnt write sooner, its been hard knowing what to write, ya'know. oh hanna and rachel both passed and got a*s in their exams! hoping you do well on the ones you are taking!! fingers crossed!

holly said you are going to prom! wow. i cant believe it has come around this quick! you'll always be my little baby bear though. i spoke to jenny on the phone a few weeks ago, she says you have started a new program, any good? she said you speak and meet people goign through the same thing as you- thats got to help right?

im so proud of you jess! we all are! hopefully see you soon, back as you:)

love you always,

dad xxxxxx

tears formed in my eyes, i wiped them away and put the letter in my book. i miss them all so much!


mark: so what she say?

danny: who?

mark: you know, jess?

danny: i dont wanna talk about it...

mark: oh im so sorry man...

danny: what?

mark: she doesnt know what shes missing!

danny: what?

mark: she said no?

danny: shut up mark... you dont know anything!

mark: so she said yes!

danny: no

mark: she no?

danny:no, i dont know, i dont want to talk about it. please drop it!

mark: fine!

****still dont know what she said was it a yes or a no?

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