chapter 23 - danny?

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its been two days since jessie's parents decided to go see jess, i dont know how it went- i hope it went well. so ive decided to go and see her, by myself. im currently on the train with my head phones on. i havent seen jess in about 5 months, but im and going to get over myself and go see her. im looking out the window, the rain falls and bounces off the window. such a miserable day. the train soon pulls up at the station, i walk about 5 minutes down the road to the rehab center. i sign in and walk over to jenny.

jenny: hi danny

danny: hi jenny, is jess ok?

jenny: yeah she is ok, but um she is studing at the moment

danny: oh, could i see her?

jenny: um, come with me, ill sneek you to her room...

i followed her down a few corridoors, till we came to a plain white door, with 1389 written on it- not jess or anything nice just 1389... she told me to wait a minute, but she soon opened the door and let me in.,

danny: jess?

jess: d-danny?

she turned around and smiled, she jumped up from her bean bag and wrapped her arms round me. i hugged her back and we both sat back down.

danny: hi, how are you?

jess: hi, im good, yeah, you?

danny: yeah im good, good.

jess: er um you know the other day... my mum and dad said you asked them to come?

danny: oh yeah.... holly and mark had said you were feeling abit down about them not coming, so i had a burst idea to ask them and they agreed... how did it go?

jess: well... not very well... mum couldnt look at me, dad made small talk, then me and mum had an agument...

danny: im sorry... i was trying to help-

jess: no no no,im glad you did! it proved everything i thought and its nice to know someone cares...




danny: so what have you been up to?

jesss: staring at these plain blank walls, drawing, GCSE studies and writing songs...

danny: songs? can i hear?

jess: they arent that good though!

danny: i dont care you have an amazing voice!

jess: ok, um pick one...

she shew me some peices of paper... i picked stand up and persuaded her to sing e big white room too. she began and i closed my eyes and let her voice fill and lift my body...


It was really nice to see Danny. He said he really loved my songs. We chatted for about 3 hours until my tutor came. Me and Danny were able to laugh and talk, how we used to, when we were best mates- I'm glad. I've missed him!

My tutor came through and taught me for about 3-4 hours, I'm doing my GCSE work. I have to do my GCSES here and take the last one at school. Apparently in time for prom. But I'm not going... everyone looking at everyone- judging each other- to many people!

****sorry it's not amazing :) but please vote, comment and fan:D xx****

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