Chapter 106 - why am i here?

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I stir the milk slowly into the cheese sauce.

Jess: so come on, gossip...

Holly: um... filmed a new advert for someone the other day-

Jess: stop, you know I care about that however I want the glen goss...

Holly: well, we got together at your birthday... um I don't know what else do you wanna know?

Jess: it all dates cute moments everything!

Holly: um, we've been on 2 dates... both ending well

I laugh

Holly: um, first one he took me to a fancy restaurant and the second he took me to see Rhianna at the O2...

Jess: oo glen has taste!

Holly: um, oh I met his son the other day...

Jess: I didn't think he saw him that often?

Holly: he doesn't, his mum doesn't want glen having anything to do with him, but he turned up on glens door step...

Jess: oh, so whats happening now?

Holly: she found out, flew over took him home and threatened court action if she found out that glen has any contact with him again...

Jess: oh shit, how old is he then?

Holly: err 14... 15 I think

Jess: must have cut glen up pretty bad...

Holly: yeah, I think he's used to it though... I know he loves him as his son because he is but he has learnt not to get to attached I think...

Jess: so apart from that everything ok?

Holly: yeah, you?

Jess: good, yeah good

Holly: honestly?

I paused a moment,

Jess: yeah, im fine

I put on a front.

Holly: you know you can tell me whenever you're not yeah? Even if you can't tell Danny, you can always tell me...

Jess: y-yeah

We put all the food in the oven and let it boil away on the stove. We walk to the lads. It was half time when I sat down, they were all talking. I just watched the advert. The news came on and I sigh to myself as I know that somehow me and Kate will be on there.

News reporter: in other news, voice mentor and pop sensation Jessie j has left ex Kate Wilson in hospital. Jessie was seen leaving the voice UK studios today with Danny O'donoghue also a coach on the voice UK, when she started to what seemed as argue with Miss Wilson. Kate was seen to drive for Jessie, when Jessie moved and grabbed the back of Kate's head and smashing it into the floor. Jessie's security was quick to the scene as Jessie left. Kate was rushed to hospital with suspected fractured skull and broken nose. Neither Jessie nor Kate have spoken out to the press yet and it is unsure whether charges will be pressed... more to come on that...

They shew a video of it, some pap must of got it. I stare at it and sigh heavily. My phone had been going crazy since we got back, probably my management and everyone. To be honest I can't be fucked with them.

Mark: not getting on the wrong side of you then Jessie!

Jess: mm...

The football comes back on and we all watch it before eating. After dinner we chat a little more. I weren't really concentrating, my mind kept wondering. Mark, glen and holly left and I washed up the last bits.

Danny: you ok?

Jess: mhm

Danny: broken nose and fractured skull... wow well done...

I chucked the sponge in the sink

Jess: well done?!

I huff as the angry rises.

Danny: you know what I mean

Jess: what is good about this? What have I achieved by it?

Danny: you put her in her place

Jess: and that makes it ok does it?! I could lose everything!

Danny: I know, but it will be fine-

Jess: BULLSHIT! None of this is going to be fine! I could lose my contract at the voice, my record deal, my management, my fans! EVERY LAST THING I HAVE!

Danny: what about me?

He said almost hurt

Danny: you won't lose me, or do I not matter enough?

Jess: oh don't make this all about you!

I roll my eyes

Danny: about me? How could I make this about me? It's about you! It's always about you! Jessie has a problem, Jessie has this, Jessie that! It's never about me!

Jess: perfect, fucking perfect!

Danny: You brought this on yourself; don't blame me for it, im trying to help! It's not my fault!

Jess: thank you! Thanks a fucking bunch! I'll have the worst day of my life with a side order of guilt please!

I walk out the kitchen.

Danny: at the end of the day, today could have been worse, it could have been you in the hospital... im just glad your ok-

Jess: ok?! News flash! Im not fucking ok!

Danny: stop getting pissy with me, im trying to help, I haven't done anything!

Jess: of course you haven't, cause you Danny O'donoghue the one who never does anything!

Danny: what the fuck does that mean!?

Jess: it's never your fault! You never seem to do anything! It all seems to just happen...

Danny: you know what, fuck you!

Jess: yeah well fuck you too Danny!

I grab my coat and pull my boots on and walk out making sure to slam the door as hard as possible. I walk and walk. I come to the hospital and keeping my head down I walk in.

Nurse: can I help you?

Jess: yeah, Ur, im looking for a miss Wilson?

Nurse: sorry, only family aloud...

Jess: im her Ur girlfriend... please I need to see her

Nurse: ok sure, its 14B down the corridor to your left...

Jess: thank you

I keep my head down and get to her door, why am I here?

******oh so jessie may lose everything, including danny... oops... please comment vote and fan:Dxx******

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