What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.

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eurgh. i roll out of bed. its 7:30am i have 30 minutes to get ready for school. new year, new teachers and a new school, well if been to this school once in year 7, but had to move because we moved to far away, but year 9 and im back! 

i grab a shirt, tights, skirt, tie, jumper and blazer i chuck them all on. i add a light layer of make up, before grabbing my bag and running down the stairs, i grab a piece of toast, say goodbye to mum, dad and leave. i stroll to the buss stop to meet holly and clair. even though i moved away me, holly and clair were still as close as we had ever been.

i turn the corner to the bus stop and are greeted by 2 bright blondes running at me. i was embraced in a huge hug, 

holly: ahhh ive missed you!!

jess: we were shopping Saturday!?

we all laugh, 

holly: well...

jess: so get me up to date with all the gossip!

clair: um urrgh, well, you know that danny guy?

jess: what as in o'donoghue?

clair: yeah, well he has a huge crush on that georgia banks and she got really annoyed cause he wouldnt leave her alone, so flipped at him and shit it was so funny!

jess: aha i miss danny, we used to be really good friends well still are i just haven't seen him in months... 

holly: aww im sure he will be pleased to see you...

clair: forgetting about your news?!

jess: spill!

holly: i-i-i don't know what your on about... 

jess: holly?!

holly: ok, ok, well me and ur um jack are going out...

jess: what hoadley?!

holly: um no, cooper...

jess: what as in my best mate?!

holly: yeah...

clair: i thought we were your best mates?!

jess: your are but jacks like a brother, to me.... anyways wheres the bus?

holly: now here...

we got on and sat down, im not bothered about holly and jack dating, its just that jacks not relationship type and if they break up ill be put i the situation to choose and i dont know who id choose. 

after about 20 minutes we arrive. we stop past reception to pick my new time table back.

mrs hands: jess your back!

jess: i am!

mrs hands: its so good to see you, hopefully you'll be in my english group...

jess: yeah, i hope so!



holly: so whos classes?

jess: d4 form and 9r1, 9e, and urm 9c...

holly: ahh my classes not my form!

clair:  no ones in my form...

holly: aww poor clair.

the bell went and we split to our forms, i walk in and try and sit quietly at the back.

zoe: jess?!

jess: yeah?

lauren: your back!

jess: i am!


danny: eurgh, another year at this shit hole!

mark: i know right... oh have you heard the news?

danny: go on...

mark: that jess cornish is back...

oh. my. god. shes really pretty and i had a huge crush on her, but she moved away. we still talk online but i havent seen her in ages. i miss our friendship, we were really goodfriends. 

mark: dan?

danny: yeah, well it'll be nice to see her. 

mark: yeah.

the rest of form went really slow, i have the worst form tutor ever. finally the bell goes and i wander to ict maths. i walk into the class and see jess sitting down laughing about, shes sitting next to me... this is going to be a great lesson.

*****sorry its bad, ill update this and my other janny story - #janny - alternately. please comment what you think, vote and fan:) thanks xx****

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz