chapter 27 - freeeee

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today is the day. the day ive been waiting for, for 28 months. the day that i finally get to leave, to be free. to go home. ikm am counting down the minutes- hours. im currently packing my things, jenny got me a suit case, one of those small ones. i fold all my clothes and lay them neatly in piles. once all my clothes were in my case i gathered up my other bits. my 5 drawing pads, 3 song pads, 9 books, pens, pencils, ipod and head phones, and my heart medicine. oh and all my toiletries. i put them all in my case and zipped it up. 

i had 2 hours before i had to go. ugh im so bored. i had a chance to say goodbye to the people i met on the new course. oh and i met a guy called tom and lets just say he's a hot-ayy, ugh he has brown hair, with bright blue eyes, i get lost in them everytime i look at him. his hair is kinda messy, quiff, flick thing, its gorgeous. he is really sweet too, he always comes and talks to me and we always have a great laugh. 

but he has a girlfriend. but im not looking for anything like that at the moment anyway. i just need to focus on myself and sort mylife out. i know that sounds selfish but  i need this...

jenny: knock knock

jess: hey

jenny: hey, hows packing going?

jess: probably sucks just as much as revision, but atleast i know at th eend of this something great will happen...

jenny: haha yeah... im gunna miss you!

jess: im gunna miss you too! 

jenny: you really are the best person i have ever had too work with!!

jess: im sure you say that to all your clients...

jenny: no, no,its true you are really genuine and although at first you wouldnt talk to me... we over came that and you are such a lovely, beatiful girl. 

jess: th-thank y-ou

jenny: dont cry cause then i-ll c-ry

jess: b-ut you ma-de me relised that i-i needed t-o come he-re and t-h at it wasa go-od thing. and i wou-ldnt of been able to d-o it will ou-t you

jenny: i-i wa-s just doing my- job, but you mad-e me wan-t to come in cau-se i love love loved our ch-ats

jess: i l-l-oved o-our chat-s

jenny: oh look at us

jess: ha-ha i know right

jenny: so are you ready too go?

jess: yeah, yeah i think if got anything packed...

jenny: hang on, dont forget this...

she handed me another 2 disks. one had 1 year written on it and the other had i made it. i smiled. they are so sweet.

jenny: i know they a not much but you know...

jess: thanks, i really like them, im gunna keep them, to remind me of how strong i have been.

jenny: well i think its time for you too go... you just have to fill out and sign this forms...

jess: whooo and ok...

i filled the forms out, and sign to say that im happy with everything and its me. 

jess: well thank you so much!!

jenny: its ok hun... we will still talk on the phone weekly for a couple of months, you know to finish the course...

jess: yeah, i cant wait! 

jenny: go on you go, holly is here...

i turned and saw holly in the waiting room. i grabbed my suit case and ran towards her. 


holly: ahhhhh! 

i hugged her and couldnt stop smiling. 

holly: ready?

jess: yep!

we walked out, i stopped and smiled and waved at jenny, before catching holly up. holly's mum had come to pick us up. not even my own mum or dad could. but holly said i am aloud to stay at hers tonight to have a girls night together to celebrate. me holly and clair. 

holly: so you gunna spill now who is your date for prom?

jess: please no! i want to just leave it, please?

clair: what ever (wink)

its so nice to be able to go anywhere, whenever!

****still dont know if its danny or not, could be mark, glen... or someone you dont know about ;) please comment, vote and fan:D xx****

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