Chapter 11 - spin the bottle

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I'm in the car with Clair, off to school for a camping trip how fun! I'm going to try and be happy and make some fun out of this. We pull up outside the school, only the people on the trip were here. it's still very early! I register and sit on the bus, I sit in our 'friendship group' which is me, Clair, normally holly, Mitch, jack, hector, Eloise and Louise.
Mitch is kinda the one who is smart but not, and someone who will cheer you up and is a great laugh. Jack, mmm, jack he's like a jackass kinda guy, fucks about, a laugh couldn't live without! hector, the smart one ask him anything g he will know the answer! not like us but fits. Eloise, goody two shoes doesn't really fit in the group and Louise embarrassment, strange and a great mate.

Mitch: can't be fucked for this!

Jess: same!

Hector: if we don't leave soon we are going to be late and I could agree it doesn't sound overly fun...

Mitch: hector swear please?

Hector is a um ur jho as we call it, like a Christian thing not really sure, he doesn't celebrate his birthday, Christmas anything! and never swears so we try to make him, sounds horrible but nah we love him!

Jess: go on! fuck?

after a while of nothing we gave up. they were all sat along the back and i was sat a seat in front by myself, which soon changed as mitch came and sat next to me.

mitch: hey

jess: hey (sigh)

mitch: whats up?

jess: nothing

mitch: so your tick-a-ti-boo?

jess: aha yeah im fine...

mitch: hows things with you and danny?

jess: i dont know? i hate him but i love him so bad! he hates me, but can you blame him?! *sigh*

mitch: awh hun!

jess: so hows you and holly?

mitch: great! but ashame shes not coming, i wanted to get it on with her in the bushes *wink*

we both laugh. so holly broke up with jack, i never saw it working and is now going out with mitch they have been together for like 7 months now, so most of the year. her and jack only lasted like two weeks.

i looked out the window, all i could think about was danny. i started to daydream about him. his eyes, oh god his brown hazel nut eyes, his hair in a tight quiff and jaw like that i just wanna kiss all day.

me and danny woke up, we were cuddled up in the same position , me cuddled into his bear chest with his protective arms wrapped round me. i love these times.

danny: morning gorgeous!

jess: morning handsome!

danny: what do you wannna do today?

jess: whatever as long as im with you...

he bent down and kissed me, this may sound stupid i know im 14 and 'in love' but i really do love him. my phone beeped and i picked it up,

text from mum,

hey hun, hows hollys? fun? ill call you later see you tomrrow xxxx

i have told mum as im at hollys all weekend or i wouldnt have been aload to stay, and dannys family have gone away so thats why he is only in his boxers. he gets up and opens the curtains,

jess: babe, can i have a shower please?

danny: sure, need any help?

jess: i think ill be fine.

i wink and walk into the bathroom. life is amazing now. i have the perfect boyfriend, loving friends and family, a hopeful music job ahead...

mitch: JESSSSSS!!!!

jess: ur w-what sorry!?

mitch: come on, we are here!

i get up and we walk out of the coach, the nice warm sun rase hit me and make me smile, for once. we get shown to our tents, and unpack. my tent is me, clair, louise and eloise. we lay our stuff out, change into more confortable clothes and sit out the back of the tent away from the teachers in the sun. i put my shorts on to ocver my leg scars, and a strap top and jacket on, to cover my arms.

clair: jess aint you hot?

jess: um no, im fine thanks

clair: why dont you take your jacket off?

jess: im f-fine!

we relaxed for about 2 hours messing about, we had decided to alway 'hang out' and meet at the back of our tent. at the moment, me, clair, eloise, louise, jack, mitch, hector and some one called tom.a. i dongt really know him, only of him.

jess: you know what we should do?

mitch: what?

jess: play spin the bottle, and i dont mean truth or dare shit i mean full on properly kissing one!

clair: YEAH!!

we walked about getting people together, we werent asking everyone as we didnt want it to be obvious cause if the teachers notice a load of people behind one tent they will come over and yeah.

in the end we got, me, clair, eloise, louise, jack, hecotr yes hector!, toby, charlie, mark, danny yay danny and harrison. i really want mitch to play and other wise he is going to feel left out. after ages of persuading he played.

eloise: how do we play?

jess: 10 second toung, and then add 5 seconds everytime you land on that person again

jess: whos spinning first?

clair: me!

we laugh as she did, it landed harrison. the kissed on the cheek ahhh im so excited!! it went round and round, i ended up kissing hector and mark. it came to my turn again i spun the bottle, it spun around on the grass everyones eye fixed on it, waiting for it to stop, revealing who i would be placing my lips, my palms slowly became sweaty it seemed to be spining forever but in reality it was only a matter of seconds. there it stopped landing on the only person i could, the one who wont talk to me, yet i love, the person i daydream about. him, oh sweet him. him who i hate but love.


******sorry its bad and short and all jessie. ill uodate soon thanks for all the comments and suppot!! please commtne,vote and fan:Dxxx*******

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