Chapter 9 - feeling green

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We were all arguing, ti I watched Jess try to get up and just fall over. I ran over to her but holly pushed me out of the way.

Holly: Jess? babe? can you hear me?

Danny: Jess come on!

Holly: don't act like you care now!

I didn't answer I just picked my phone up and call 999.

*phone call*

Lady: hello how can I help?

Danny: hi, um I need an ambulance! quickly!

Lady: ok slow down what's happened?

Danny: we are in a school detention and my friends Jess, she just collapsed!

Holly: friend ha!

Danny: not helping!

Lady: ok, is she responding? can you shake her shoulders and call her name please?

I did a she said. Nothing.

Danny: nothing!

Lady: ok calm down. is she breathing? can you feel her pulse?

Danny: she's breathing and her pulse is weak!

Lady: ok, there's an ambulance on the way. stay calm. Stay on the phone. I need you to keep talking to her please...

Danny: ok

Lady: can I take some details please?

Danny: sure

Lady: what's her name?

Danny: Jessica Cornish

Lady: age?

Danny: um 13

Lady: ok any health problems you know of?

Danny: no

Lady: and what's your name?

Danny: d-Danny

The paramedics arrive and I give them the phone. Miss soon comes in and we explain. the paramedics deal with Jess and soon she comes round. they talk to her for a while asking her questions. they end up giving her some tablets, they said something to do with her heart over working...

Danny: jessie are you ok?

She looks at me and holly helps her up. miss says we can go and we walk out, why didn't she answer me? I sigh and walk back to my house with mark.


I don't feel 100% but I just want to get home. I feel weak and tired. holly walked me home to be safe, she so caring. I got back and walked up stairs, I took these tablet things they have me. Not overly sure what they do but never mind... I felt so tired and weak, helpless I just fell asleep.

-next day-

EUgh. I roll out of bed and do my normal morning routine. I sit down to do my make up, it could just be me but my skin looks greeny, it has like a green tinge to it. it makes me look really ill. great.

I get everything I need, grab an apple and walk to school. Again, I found it helped apart from collapsing I felt more fresh, revived! I arrive and school and sit down. I eat my apple and take today's tablet. I have to eat before hand, other wise it makes me really I'll apparently.

Holly: how you feeling?

Jess: ok, just a bit tired...

Clair: you sure? you look green? not like green green but slightly?!

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now