Chapter 2 - friends and siblings

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*2 months later*

Me and holly find a seat at the back in science. Just behind danny, i kinda have a crush on danny. Me, holly and clair are the only ones that know.

Jess: but come on his arse is nice?!

Holly: jess! Now i see why we sat here...

Jess: sorry but come on he is fit!?

Holly: i guess...

Mark & danny: whos fit?


Jess: ur um sam...

Mark: whos sam?

Holly: just some guy that we meet in the city...

Jess: yeah, we hung out with him. Fit as fuck, nice hair, body, accsent, personalty, eyes...

Danny: wheres he from, you said he had an accsent?

Jess: oh um, scottland...

Fuck. Please leave it there.

Mark: oh ok.

Holly: yeah, he asked jess on a 'date'...


Jess: holly!

Danny: what did you say?

Jess: um no...

Mark: why if he so perfect as you say?

Jess: cause i dont want him. I want someone else...

With that i got up and found the equipment we needed. I walk back. Milly had come and sat the other side of holly. Me and milly dont get on at all, but her and holly are good mate. By that i mean milly treats holly like shit but holly cant see it.

Milly: o'come on you cant really believe all that bullshit about sam can you?!

Mark: whats there not to believe?!

Milly: well for one, who would want to go out with a fat bitch like her and two i think we all know he's fake!

Jess: what did you just call me?!

Milly: oh nothing...

Jess: come fucking say it to my face!

Milly: i said your a fake bitch!


Milly: YOUR A fake bitch!

The whole class had stopped to watch, i didnt think i grabbed her hair and chucked her on the floor. I threw kicks and punches, she did the same.

Mrs hamilton: THATS ENOUGH GIRLS!!!

Holly pulled milly off and clair grabbed me. I had blood coming from my lip, while she had blood coming from her nose. We were taking to the care and guidance office, how fun!

Miss frary: right what happened?

Jess: she called me a fat cunt!

Milly: should make up bullshit then!

Miss frary: right milly that the third time this week, im putting you on report again! Now go, ill catch up with you later. Now jess... Jess.... Jess... Jess...


Something didnt sit right about the sam thing, but its not my place to judge. Jess and milly really dont get on, but then again i think holly is the only that likes her and that because milly just feeds her aload of crap. Me and mark, finish all our work and turn round to talk to holly and clair,

Danny: thats the worst they've got.

Clair: yeah, but milly was bang out of order!

Mark: yeah! Jess soon showed her!

Danny: holly are you ok?

Holly: fine.

Danny: sure?

Holly: im fine.

Danny: ok.

What have i done. The bell went for the end of the day. Me and mark strolled out of school, he was coming to mine tonight. Night of ps3 and manly things. We got back and we ran up stair,

Mark: what we starting with?

Danny: fifa 14?

Mark: waco it in!

I laugh and we grab to bean bags in front of the telly and start playing, me as man u of course and mark as chelesa. We played game after game, till mark had to leave. It was about 10pm, yeah i know its late but he only lives a few doors down.

It was friday night and my older sisters mandy and vicki had friends over this is bad for them! Me, ian and dara all waited for them to fall asleep, then the plan would curmence.

Danny: so whos we staying at tonight?

Ian: one night at kevins, one at jacobs and one at marks.

Dara: you think they would have learnt from last time!

Danny: yeah, so what we doing this time?

Ian: i think hair, spiders and drinks?

Danny: such fun!

The clock turned 2am, we checked sound'o. I was on hair, there was six of them. I found the first two and tied their hair in a plate, then the next then the last two. Dara had got some spiders, god know from where and put them in there suit cases, while ian got laxatives for the drinks. Once we were done, we grabbed a few things we would need and walked to kevins. His mum or dad wouldnt mind we always spend time at each others, kevin, mark and jacob are like brothers to us.

We arrive and tell kevin what we did before falling asleep. All on sofas and on the floor in his lounge.

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora