Chapter 8 - Spinning

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I slump out of bed. I literally have no enthusiasm to get up. what do I have to look forward to? school, after school detention, danny, Milly. wow my life sucks right now! why did I ever go back?!

I roll out of bed into the shower. I let the warm water hit my skin, letting me forget about everything for about 5 minutes. Once I was done I hoped out and found my school uniform.

I got dressed and sat at my dressing table. my legs ached, my wrists ache, my stomach aches all from cuts. I wiped a tear from my eye. I pulled out a bad from the back of my dressing table, it's full of bandages. I take some out and change the bandages, one round my left wrist, on round my stomach and one round my right thigh.

I applied a some make up, and brushed and dried my hair. if packed my bag and took one last look in the mirror. I sigh and walk down stairs. I pick an apple up off the table and walk out.

I was early so I decided to walk to school, it was a Long way but hopefully the cold, cool air will help clear my head. I walked and walked, taking in everything. My phone buzzed, it's holly. I answered it.

*phone call*

Jess: hi

Holly: hey babe! are you coming in today?

Jess: yeah! I'm walking though...

Holly: walking?!

Jess: yeah I thought the fresh air would clear my head...

Holly: what?! you can't walk from yours to the school! it's a 20 minute car drive! that's ages!

Jess: I needed to ok! I'll meet you... in form?

Holly: um yeah what ever... bye

Jess: bye

*end of call*

I carry on strolling along, kicking the odd stone here and there. after about 40 minutes of quick walking I arrived at school. I stopped at the gate and looked in. I put my fake smile on and walked in.

I found my form and sat down.

Holly: Jess are you ok?

She sounded concerned.

Jess: what? I'm fine

I wasn't inside but I could let that show. I took my phone out and opened twitter.

Holly: jess?

She picked. Y hands up in hers, I looked at her, then clair. they can both see right through me, they both had that sympathetic look as well.

Jess: yes?

Holly: please tell me what's wrong

Jess: nothing

Clair: so your just completely fine?

Jess: yes! never been better!

Holly: sure?!

Jess: sure!

They didn't seem satisfied but they dropped it. Form went slow, followed by a slow english. I walked to maths, joining in with the laughter of everyone else. trying to make everything seem ok.

Jacob: yes! reepham tomorrow!

Eugh! I had forgotten about that, tomorrow we leave for our residential trip, camping how fun.

The rest of the day went slowly, glares of milly, and danny, awkwardness, staring, just feeling like the odd one out or like everyone's watching your every mood waiting for you to slip up....

The bell for the end of the day goes, me and holly say goodbye to Clair before walking to our detention...

Jess: I'm sorry I got you into this...

Holly: what? no it's fine! I don't mind!

We walk in and our greeted by mrs jones, she must be doing it today. she alright, she loves me and holly so this could be ok.

Mrs jones: right all take a seat, you guys know why your here! don't do it again! I have some stuff to sort out so will be next door, I won't tell anyone if you talk quietly and I mean quietly! do homework whatever, some get me if you need me ok?

We nod and she leaves. me, holly, danny and mark all sit spread out in an awkward silence. I sigh, my wrists really hurt now from using them all day. I try to sooth them.

Holly: this is all you fault

Danny: me?

Holly: yeah. for being such a prick!

Danny: oh piss off!

Jess: holly leave it

Holly: no I wont! I'm not letting some low life prick destroy my best mates life!

Danny: me?! your the one that keeps hanging about with some fat cunt that is bullying Jess off the fucking earth!

Mark: he's got a point

Holly: oh shut it would you!

Danny: don't talk to him like that thank you!

Jess: please?

They not listening. they are all shouting at eachother all at the same time. I can't make out anything of what they are saying. the walls of the room seem to be closing in, I'm struggling to breathe. like someone is draining the room of oxygen. I start to panic, the room is getting smaller and smaller, they keep shouting but their words are becoming more and more muffled. I feel really dizzy the room starts to spin and shake. my fission blurs. till....


*****sorry if you found any of this upsetting, it does happen though. I'm always here for a chat if anyone needs one just inbox me and I'll reply as soon as possible :)

Sorry if it seems really all Jessie's point but I'm finding it easier to write these bits from her point of view... please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

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