chapter 25 - dresses

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today me and  clair are going to get ideas for our prom dresses. which involes finding one and ordering it. prom is in about 7 months, not long.

clair: ahhhhh im so excited!!

holly: yeah, me too! lets start at that fancy dress shop!

clair: what we waiting for?!?

we almost ran down the rows of shops till we came to a fancy dress shop. the dresses were for weddings, prom and any fancy occasion. we wondered about collecting dresses we thought would look nice. after about 30 minutes of looking for dresses, we put them in to piles and took it in turns to try a dresses on, non of them look good enough. i picked up one of their catalogs and we moved on a few shops down to the next dress shop. we did the same, but nothing. all too big, small, made us look fat or just wring colour. we tried another 3 shops, still not finding anything. but i did have aload of catalogs though.

we got to the last shop, its a prom shop, so they sell everything for prom. we wandered about, i didnt find anything that caught my eye though. i was about to give up when i spotted something over in the corner. i walked over and pulled it off the rail. wow. it was perfect. i ran to the changing rooms and chucked it on. it was white thick -ish strap dress. it was open chest but hugged my boobs perfectly, the back was open too and the dress started again at the top of my bum, under my boobs was a dimond detailed peice, with straps coming off it eachway going round and joing at the bottom of my back. it followed all the way to the floor and had a slit from the floor, half way up my left leg. its gorgeous!! i took it off and went to find clair. 

holly: i found the perfect dress!!

clair: same!! shoes?

holly: not yet, you?

clair: nope, come on!

we walked round to another part of the shop and tried on load and loads of shoes. i settled on a pair of gold strap stilettos, to mach the straps on the dress. clair settled on a pair of red and silver heels too. we went to the lady at the checkout, i couldnt stop smiling. she took our adresses and dresses. we paid and she said they would arrive at our houses in a few weeks, along with the shoes. i picked up some more catalogs and we left.

clair: lunch?

holly: sure!

we walked and found a nice cafe on a corner and sat down. i ordered a red berry smoothie and cheese and ham toasty. 

clair: so whats with the catalogs?

holly: oh im gunna take them with me tomorrow, so jess can pick out a dress....

clair: oh so she is coming?

holly: i hope so...yes! im making her!

clair: sure thats a good idea? you know?

holly: she will be fine, i think it'll be good for her! anyways who you going with?

clair: well you know mitchell-

holly: brown?

clair: yeah, well he asked me yesterday!!

holly: awh! you too will look so good together!! 

clair: you?

holly: jack... he asked me this morning...

clair: awh! 

*next day*

holly: oh i brought you something!

jess: yeah?

i got out my back of catalogs and handed them to her.

holly: me and clair went shopping for our dresses yesterday, so i got you some catalogs so you could pick one out 

jess: i-i um thanks, but i dont think im going...

holly: what?

jess: everyone looking, and staring- judging?! no thanks

holly: please? i thinki twill be a good thing for you, ust what you need...

i gave her a soft smile.

jess: i think about it...

danny: so what have you been up too?

jess: well i have started a new program so i get to go to a spa place, go out in the garden, meet people going through and who have been through the same thing as me... its really fun!!

holly: i hope i got you an ok binkini?

jess:yeah thanks...

danny: thanks nice...

jenny: sorry to interupt you guys but its time for you too go...

holly: its ok....

i got up and hugged jess goodbye.

holly: you comming dan?

danny: yeah ill catch you up...


it was really nice to see dan and holly today. 

danny: jess, ur i mean jessie um you can say no... but... er um.,. i was wondering.... no preasure or anything.... but would you like to go to prom with me?- as friends? -i get it if not?

****** what will jessie say, yes? no? is this a good idea? comment thoughts :) vote and fan:D xx*****

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