Chapter 49 - Byeeee

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I'm frantically running round checking everything. I said goodbye to my sisters at my mum and dad's and me, cam, mum and dad are at ours.

Jess: I think that's everything...

Some guys are putting stuff onto a lorry that we want. I load mums car up and go back indoors. Mum had made lunch. I sat down and we all tucked in.

Cam: this is gorgeous mrs cornish, thank you!

Rose: thank you Cameron, but please call me rose...

She smiled. They get on very well which means alot! once we are done. We moved outside. We had a little while before we had to leave. The sun was shining as we sat in the garden chatting. The door went and i got up. I opened the door and george was standing there. I et him in and walked into the kitchen. I got him a beer, one of the only things we have left in the house now.

Jess: hi, how you been?

George: hi, ive been ok, i guess, you?

Jess: stressfull!

George: i bet! Sorry for just popping over but i couldnt make it, so i just thought id come say bye...

Jess: its fine... Hows your head?

George: still keep getting really bad head aches and dizziness but im fine, thanks...

Cam: babe?!

Jess: in here!

Cam walked through and hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder.

Cam: thought youd left with out me... Hi, oh um, george?

George: yeah, hi...

Jess: it annoys me so much what he did too you! You could have died!

George: yeah, well, not overly impressed myself...

Jess: so hows collage?

George: ugh! So boring! Me and clair still talk but not as much with out you there...

Jess: awh the glue is missing...

George: yeah, so clair said your going to become a huge star in the states!

Jess: well, no, sony have signed me as a writer...

George: thats impressive!

Jess: i guess...

We chat fir while before he has to go and double check nothing is left.

Jess: im gunna miss you guys so much!

I hold back the tears and say goodbye. Its hard. We get into a taxi and go to the airport. Everything seems like a blur, we are soon enough on the plane. Im not ready to say goodbye. I take a photo out the window and upload it to my instagram saying goodbye. A tear rolls down my cheek. The engines kick in and grab the arm rest and burry my head into cam. I dont like flying!


Today we are shooting a video for a song called the man who can't be moved. it's gunna be our new single.

It was a song I wrote while breaking up with jessie. Which makes it emotional. I wrote it about how I still loved her and if she ever changed her mind I'd be waiting where we always met. Which was on a curb outside some small coffee shop. She was sitting down and im noticed she had our school uniform so I brought us coffee and sat next to her.

I never thought we would end up like this.

I still think about her. I wonder whether she is ok or not. I wonder whether us splitting was good and never seeing eachother again. I'd like to see her again, tell her in sorry. To be honest I've apologised enough- it wasn't all me!

But put of all this she came out on top. She moved on easy and I was left heart broken - so to speak - hey, I might write a song about that! we need one more for the album!

It's like when you get heart broken the heart of your love doesn't get broken evenly. Someone always comes out of top! her!

I directed about singing lines after line till they get it write before we can leave. Me and mark jump into my car and set back to the flat.

Mark: we still need one more song...

Danny: I think I've got an idea... leave it with me.

Mark: yeah! dan the man!

I laugh and continue to drive. We pick up a mc Donald's and it isn't long before we are back to the flat.

Once back I head to my room and start to scribble notes. It's gunna take a day or so to get a decent song but I think this may work.

I don't know. Everything is happening so fast. I love it but hate it. I want my teen life back but I love this job. Torn. But who knows maybe in a few years we will be big stars, rocking sold out tours and headlining big festivals... who knows haha.

***sorry it's short and crappy... BIG change in next chapter... ready? Haha JESSIE WAS AMAZING UNREAL ON SATURDAY AT EAST COAST LIVE!! (sorry) please comment, vote and fan:D xx****

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