chapter 77 - it was you all along

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i was annoyed at jessie for what had just happened, in all fairness i dont blame her. im annoyed at myself. i kissed her them weeks ago, i chased her, i led bo on, i didnt treat irma right. me. me. me.

i have no where to stay tonight so i find the closest hotel and check inn. i have a shower and get under the tight, thin pointless sheets. i lay awake for ages over thinking everything. i open my phone and answer a few tweets. i see jessie had tweeted. 

tweet: @JessieJ: 'and pergaps the very fact the moon couldn never have the sun was the reason that she loved him so...' <3 

i think it over, was it secretly towards me? i doubt it, she doesnt care about me. i look over irmas twitter whille im on here too, she had also tweeted

tweet: IrmaMali: 'if another women steals your man, theres no better revenge than letting her keep him. real men dont cheat.' 

i chuck my phone, fuck sake dan! always managing to fuck it all up! i lay away even longer just staring at the patterns on the ceiling. 

____next morning____

i get up, ive only had about 3 hours sleep. i kept tossing and turning all night. its about 6.30am, i get in the shower and chuck my clothes on from yesterday and check out. i dont bother with breakfast i just get in my car and drive home. 

i take a deep breath and knock on the door, i live there i know but i just feel like i should knock. irma opens the door, before i can say anything she rolls her eyes sighing and goes to close it. i put my hand on it stopping it and she opens it again.

danny: can we talk?



____ 2 months later____

ive been over in america with the lads, ive been there 3 months. its been hard, me and irma worked everything out and then i got told about going on tour- they dont understand the word warning! 

but im coming home a week and a half early! i havent told irma yet, im going to surprise her. we are currently boarding the plane. i sit by the window, mark next to me and glen in the isle seat. i plug my headphones in and listen to the snippets of our new album. 

#3! its going to be out soon. we worked with WILL.I.AM aka will, while we were in the states and have written a new song together. its sound good i guess. 

lady: sir, can i get you anything?

danny: um, just a water please

lady: sure sir-

danny: danny please, please call me danny

i watch crystals form on the window and try and sleep for a bit. i soon wake up as the seat belt sign comes on. we land and grab our bags. we are greated by some fans, i smile and take photos with them and sign stuff. some of them give us presents- which is always lovely! 

i say bye to mark and glen and get a cab home. i make sure i dont smell to bad and open the door. she is here- her car is here. i dump my bags in the lounge and walk about. she isnt downstairs so i go upstairs. 

danny: irma? babe?

i push the bedroom door open and see her and some guy in b-bed. i look at her in shock, she sits up him jumping off her and looks just as shocked.

irma: danny? d-danny... i-i... 

danny: what you can explain?

i huff and walk down stairs. i go into the lounge and soon they both come down 

danny: dont you think you should go?!

i look at him and he nods and soon goes.

irma: danny, i-i can explain

danny: go on then

i just look at her, trying to stop the anger rising. she looked about trying to strong words together

danny: what i thought, ok your turn, how long?!

irma: w-what?

danny: thats your question right? how. long?

the anger was building

irma: i-i, 8...10... months i dont know...

i proccess it,

danny: w-wait youve been sleeping with this other guy for nearly a year?!

irma: i-i, im sorry

danny: fuck off with the im sorry bullshit, its not going to wash irma. just grow up and take it like a grownup.

irma: i am sorry

danny: sure, thats why youve been SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER GUY!

irma: i-i

danny: why?

irma: i dont know

danny: thats not the right answer, WHY?!


danny: dont you turn this around on me, your away just as much if not more than me! i dont GO ABOUT SLEEP WITH OTHER WOMEN THOUGH!

she struggles for words again, wait

danny: wait... you accused me of cheating on you, when it was you cheating this whole time! i cant believe you...

irma: what do you want me to say? i didnt enjoy it? it meant nothing? because i didnt and it didnt mean anything

danny: THATS FUCKING WORSE! so what you just sleep with this guy for nothing? meaningless sex? i thought our meaningless sex was pretty good

irma: our meaningless sex? how can you say that? it wasnt meaningless

danny: oh dont kid yourself irma. we both know it was a bit! 

we both look at eachother

danny: i have nothing more to say, im done

irma: done?

danny: yes, im going to do something that i should of done a year ago! its over irma, we are done!

irma: no, danny no, please


i grab my bags and walk out leaving her there, in tears.


i sit in my car trying to figure out what happens, i finally start the car and drive to marks, i need somewhere to stay- just for a day or two. what just happened?

****poor danny:( im going on holiday friday to italy to see my bestmates parents get married, i dont know whether there will be wifi or not yet so im not sure when update will be:/ sorry! please comme,t vote and fan:Dxx****

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