Chapter 89

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We came back early from out date today as Blaze had some pack business to take care of.

But I don't get much alone time as after a while there's a knock on my door and I am swept away by Jason to join the gang in his room. They were just playing board games and chilling today. Some of them even had drinks in their hands, even though I didn't get the point of it. Our metabolisms makes it impossible for drinks from the human world to have any effect. We would need something a lot stronger. So if they didn't get the buzz why drink such foul tasting products? Probably to look cool.

Again Stacy was looking at Raven weirdly as she shifted so I could sit next to her. Better her than the 'drunk' boys I thought. Stacy had a naughty smirk on her face as she watched Raven as if she knew a secret I didn't. Raven uncharacteristically blushed to that. She looked away immediately and joined in a group discussion among the boys almost desperately. I thought it was interesting but I didn't have the energy to dig any further.

I suddenly felt the cold grips of numbness again. This time from my spine. The phenomenon was happening again. The thing I called the black monster. The thing that wanted to whisk me away and bury me underneath it, forgotten. The Anastasia incident had distracted me from it. 

I pinched my thigh hard, as if to wake from a dream. It worked. Nobody noticed this time. Thankfully.

This was like a small party. It wasn't just the gang, there were many faces I recognised from college including the banshees who after their punishment to do community services, avoided me like the plagues and bowed respectfully to me whenever they saw me. Over dramatic much? They are traumatised after what happened to Mindy and Sierra I guess. After that, no one in college even looks directly at me. Being a pure blooded alpha with Dex as my father and Blaze as my mate did have its advantages. I didn't mind. I was sure they had a thousand gossips to spare behind my back.

There were even some faces I recognised from the ancient packs. It was good to know they were doing well. I turned as I saw Curt approach me. He gestured to talk with me and Raven who saw the exchange frowned. As I got up to talk to him, she followed suit.

"I don't need protection form him you know?" I said and she scowled.

"He is my cousin, why can't I join?" She said with a huff and I left it at that.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Stacy wiggle her eyebrows at Raven and I'm almost sure she looked way at that.

We went to the park downstairs for a walk. I had been hoping to catch one of the alphas from the ancient packs. I asked after how his pack was doing and I got to know some news. Their packs were almost rebuilt. So quickly? Blaze must have really seen this through. And they were even given a hefty compensation for all their troubles and to the families that had lost loved ones. The ancient packs were also to leave right after the farewell ceremony like the other Alphas. It was a big event I suppose.

Things have worked out well on that end. Raven had remained quiet until now.

I suddenly felt warmth on my hand. I looked down to see Curt holding my hand.

"Zara I like you!" He blurted out like a thirteen year old confessing to his first crush.

I was bewildered for a second before I composed myself.

"Have you found your mate yet?" I asked.

He shook his head and started to speak but I stopped him.

"So what sort of brilliant idea did you think it was for you to confess to me when I have a mate and you haven't even met yours yet? " I asked . Seriously what coconut had to full on your head at some point in universal time to think this would he a good idea. Of course I didn't voice that part. He is an alpha after all and it's not right to disrespect him so much.

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