Chapter 59

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Blaze and Jem are usually in the middle of it all but for some suspicious reason they seemed to have moved back. Leaving the group in front of them.

My focus was right now on the kid in my arms. He seemed to be slightly shivering. I could feel how cold he was with the sweaty clammy little hands that gripped to me like vices and wouldn't let go. He was laying on my lap, his feet dangling from the seat.

The bus started and everyone settled. Jason's group settled to play games with the jocks. He shouted over many times pleading me and often annoying me, asking me to join.

Of course I humbly ignored.

Jem rested comfortably on Blaze's shoulders, utterly blissful. He seemed to shout out at random times during the game. But we were both hyperaware of each other.

The back of his head looked a bit stiff to look comfortable. He never once looked at during this whole trip so we were making progress I guess.

Raven settled with a book and earphones ringing with orchestra music. Huh, never pegged her for the classic gal. She occasionally munched on an apple.

But my concern was the boy. If worst came to worst, I would have to stop the bus and carry him to the nearest hospital. I haven't been this worried for such a long time.

Even Zian was getting agitated.

Blaze too seemed to know what was going on.

Every time the jocks shouted, Zarine would grip my hands even tighter, his little whines and mewls getting drowned in the cheers.

I badly wanted to tear them apart for causing him pain like this.

But every time it happened Blaze authoritatively commanded everyone to calm down. No one could blame the alpha king for being the party pooper after all.

Besides sleeping Jem was a good excuse for his behaviour.

Soon the poor kid fell asleep and since I felt bad for rudely yanking him out if his bed this morning, I let him. I had dragged him to the floor along with the sheets. The image made me cringe now. I softly stroked his hair, trying to smoothen the frown. His muscles were still stretched so taut.

It was a bad idea to take him on this trip. I should have known something was up when he seemed overly interested in who all were coming. If not for Sam's commands to spy on them I would have skipped too. Hell all this noise and extra scents were giving me a migraine.

About two hours into the trip, we reached a restaurant where we were supposed to have breakfast. The chipmunk seemed to be disappointed since she had prepared picnic baskets or something for all of us.

But Drake calmed her.

For the first time this entire trip I saw Sierra shoot her a dirty glare. The hair at the back of my neck stood up. I had promised Stacey to take care of that.

As soon as the bus stopped, the pup stirred in my arms. He calmed down from my touch but still remained tense. Everyone piled out, Blaze did too, a bit reluctantly. Jason, Stacey and Raven were the only ones who waited.

Drake had to leave his mate to see to it that they got a table and for Hails it was disrespectful being an alpha to leave the alpha king's side. So he took Amelia with him. Typical sticky couple.

The less the better anyways.

"Aren't you joining us?" Stacey asked us from the front of the bus.

"I will, in a few minutes," I said looking down at him, concerned.

Soon he got up and left. Jason saw Zarine curled up and he was gonna skip over, concerned but Stacey obviously sensed the mood. She dragged him out by the ear.

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